Apocalypse & Armageddon Russia Just Pulled Out Of The US Petrodollar! Declaration Of War? So many things are happening around the world and time is running out for people to ready themselves for what’s ahead. Financial analysis’s are... SoulAskJanuary 16, 2015
Fact or fiction Ultra-rich man’s letter: “To My Fellow Filthy Rich Americans: The Pitchforks Are Coming” By NICK HANAUER | politico You probably don’t know me, but like you I am one of those .01%ers, a proud and unapologetic capitalist. I... SoulAskJuly 1, 2014
Planet Earth 10 Predictions For 2014 AP As this year comes to a close it is once again time to reflect, learn from events, and plan for a new year... SoulAskDecember 29, 2013
Underworld After 100 Years Of Failure, It’s Time To End The Fed! From: againstcronycapitalism.org Indeed. End the Fed. Sounds so radical doesn’t it? Isn’t the Federal Reserve there to smooth out the economy, to stabilize the... SoulAskDecember 24, 2013
Apocalypse & Armageddon Some Say the Worldwide Bank Crash has Commenced The hysteria is building, and some say the collapse has begun. Has it? Is this the first domino? There is no way to salvage... SoulAskAugust 7, 2013
Conspiracies Building of the American Global Empire Fragments of an e-book by Dene McGriff It is interesting that about the same time Israel was being gathered together again following WWII, a... SoulAskMay 11, 2013
Underworld 12 Things That Just Happened That Show The Next Wave Of The Economic Collapse Is Almost Here Are we running out of time? For the last several years, we have been living in a false bubble of hope that has been... SoulAskMarch 6, 2013