Planet Earth A virus that can destroy humanity. What we know about the superinfection that threatens billion A virus that is transmitted through the air and does not manifest itself in any way for years can “decimate” the planet’s population, so... SoulAskFebruary 2, 2024
Underworld “We will take the children with us.” Why are they preparing to declare “Disease X”, the new pandemic? Everything is developing exactly according to the same scenario that worked in 2020–21. and was postponed due to the horrendous war in Ukraine. Until recently, it... SoulAskSeptember 29, 2023
Apocalypse & Armageddon Epidemic X: in Ethiopia, people die from bleeding eye fever Have you ever heard of disease X? Not? This is normal because it was not there yet, but scientists believe that they found it in Ethiopia... SoulAskMarch 2, 2020
Apocalypse & Armageddon Scientists Warn of Threat from Unknown Mystery ‘Disease X’ Similarly to how an ‘unknown’ planet is referred to as planet X, now there is a placeholder for a yet unknown disease threat and... SoulAskMarch 12, 2018