Ancient Who pulls the strings of your destiny and should we be afraid of them? A lengthy thread was extended between their hands. In an abrupt moment, the eldest sister made a swift gesture, severing the slender thread. To... SoulAskSeptember 5, 2024
Metaphysics & Psychology Red thread of fate: are those who are destined to be together connected? The idea that the lives of individuals are interconnected by some invisible matter originates in the land of the rising sun. The Japanese believe that... SoulAskAugust 1, 2022
Spirituality Reincarnation, Karma & Destiny As above – So below. It is one of the first spiritual maxims many encounter upon awakening from the dream world of consensus reality;... SoulAskSeptember 10, 2014
Metaphysics & Psychology You Are Not Just a Machine “A living man can be enslaved and reduced to the historic condition of an object. But if he dies in refusing to be enslaved,... SoulAskSeptember 15, 2013