A grotesque creature perched atop a massive dragon, furiously lashing its tail. His followers lay prostrate before him, performing enigmatic rituals. The sovereign was...
While some consider ghosts to be expert photobombers, they’re certainly not alone in the world of paranormal photobombing. Demons also seem to be quite...
The word doppelgänger is a loanword from German Doppelgänger, consisting of the two substantives Doppel (double) and Gänger (walker). Although this is supposedly a...
This years plays out to be a mysterious invisible chess move! The players in the game are the ‘extraterrestrials’ vs. humanity-or better yet-supernatural vs....
Let’s begin with Helena Blavatsky-a Russian spiritualist, she was the ‘Magnum Opus,’ spreading knowledge of the Ascended Masters. She traveled extensively in her days...