Conspiracies The Road to Singularity: Potential Annihilation, Utopian Visions, Will Liberty Prevail? By Daniel Taylor Originally published at Old Thinker News “Dreams of the far future destiny of man were dragging up from its shallow and... SoulAskAugust 12, 2014
Conspiracies How Bilderberg Will Use Technology to Rule by 2050 By Aaron Dykes | Truthstream Media The End of Privacy, the Era of Big Data and the Rise of the Internet of Things (IoT)... SoulAskJune 13, 2014
Bizzare & Odd ‘Spaceballs’ Called It: Chinese Residents Line Up to Breathe Fresh Air from Bags By Aaron Dykes and Melissa Melton (Truthstream Breathing fresh air is becoming a luxury in some places… China currently ranks as the most... SoulAskApril 3, 2014
Metaphysics & Psychology Digital Zombies: The Age Where Kids Don’t Look Up, and Barely Go Outside Anymore (Truthstream The simple fact is that a lot of kids don’t know how to even play outside anymore. Teenagers and even young children... SoulAskJanuary 18, 2014