
“Great Darkness”: Discoveries on the global disasters in the History of the Earth

The subject of global catastrophes in history remains a somewhat "taboo" topic within mainstream science. However, a number of scientists…

2 months ago

Panic of the Century: Is Halley’s Comet Bringing Trouble?

Many of us who are older were able to watch Comet Hale-Bopp online for a few days in 1997. It…

11 months ago

A huge comet flew past Earth, but became larger and headed towards the Sun. Is it Nibiru or war?

A comet the size of Everest flew past Earth on July 15, astronomers said. But now the space object flies towards the Sun…

3 years ago

Rosetta Beamed Its First Signal To Earth: The Probe Successfully Woke Up From Long Deep Space Hibernation! - Congratulations to ESA and all space friends across the world! Today is a big and important day in the…

11 years ago