Conspiracies 10 Compelling Pieces Of Evidence That Prove The Illuminati Are Real We wouldn’t normally advise you to go anywhere near a YouTube video’s comment section, but humour us for a moment. Head over there and... SoulAskMay 14, 2015
Bizzare & Odd “It’s made out of people!” Making meat from celebrity tissue samples By Red Ice Creations “It’s people! Soylent green is made out of people”, to quote from the classic 1973 science fiction film and Charlton... SoulAskMarch 11, 2014
Conspiracies CELEBRITIES EXPOSED: Satanism in the Hollywood & Music Industry (Illuminati, Masons) Editor’s Note: Viewer discretion advised, strong language, and possible offensive material… Disclaimer – I don’t necessarily agree with all of this, but definitely some... SoulAskJanuary 15, 2014
Occult Crowley’s “Satanic sex cult” Founder Aleister Crowley dubbed ‘the wickedest man in the world’ Crowley was born in 1875 and styled himself ‘the Great Beast, 666’ Other stars... SoulAskApril 25, 2013