Cryptozoology Chupacabra Blamed for Strange Cattle Mutilations in Argentina “Blame it on the Chupacabra” sounds like it could be the title of a country western song (note to self: dust off guitar and... SoulAskJune 24, 2019
Bizzare & Odd Photos show unexplained cattle mutilation in Australia – Dead cows found in paddock with udders, ears and tongues removed Tara Cassidy ABC News A north Queensland couple has been left baffled by a bizarre finding on their property, which seems like something straight... SoulAskSeptember 8, 2018
Aliens & UFO's Ancient Aliens : The Dogon & The Sirius Mystery The Dogon, an African tribe, were said to have astronomical knowledge that should have been beyond them, specifically relating to the star Sirius. The... SoulAskSeptember 26, 2012