Apocalypse & Armageddon Robert Kiyosaki has made some alarming predictions, suggesting that banks may collapse and hinting at the possibility of World War III “Bitcoin is reaching new heights, yet it’s the prospect of World War III that worries me most,” stated Robert Kiyosaki. The renowned economist and... SoulAskApril 30, 2024
Underworld Maybe Goldman Sachs Isn’t So Keen On Crypto, After All Editor’s note (9/6/18 at 6:10 PM ET): According to one source on Twitter and an article article citing it published by CNBC, Martin Chavez,... SoulAskSeptember 7, 2018
Bizzare & Odd Did A 1988 Economist Magazine Predict A Bitcoin Explosion In 2018? Arjun Walia A 1988 cover story for The Economist shows a picture of a Phoenix, with a coin that resembles the look of today’s most popular... SoulAskJanuary 4, 2018
Underworld Globalist Controlled Bitcoin Becomes “Bank” Supported By Technocrats The “experimental new digital currency” known as Bitcoin has been given that status of a “payment service provider” (PSP) by French financial institutions... SoulAskDecember 14, 2012