If you are already Awakened, awakened from mass hypnosis, the first thing you will encounter is what at first seems…
More and more often we hear that humanity needs to wake up. This is vital for our further spiritual development. More and…
They are free from imposed false values, stereotypes and patterns of perception and behavior. They seem ordinary, but on the…
Thich Nhat Hanh, Guest Waking Times The Earth is our mother, nourishing and protecting us in every moment–giving us air…
Awakening to our Spirit is touching, but it can also be disturbing – at least from the point of view…
by Jill Gross tiny buddha “Blessed are the cracked for they shall let in the light.” ~Groucho Marx In 2008,…
The waking up process is a very personal experience. Once we become aware of the existence of a fabricated world…
By Aaron Dykes and Melissa Melton (Truthstream Media.com) Breathing fresh air is becoming a luxury in some places… China currently…
(Truthstream Media.com) The simple fact is that a lot of kids don’t know how to even play outside anymore. Teenagers…
(Truthstream Media.com) The Rockefellers, one of the world’s wealthiest families, have been the largest financial backer of Eugenics and other…
Thirteen-year-old Jahi McMath was declared brain dead after complications arising from a tonsillectomy, raising new questions about how we define…
We present hard evidence that thanks to websites like http://www.infowars.com/ the global awakening is MASSIVE and GROWING - we're WINNING…
This is a topic that has fascinated many of us and also has a huge amount of infos, assumptions, visions,…