Discussions about anomalies often involve recounting events from the past, which seem more significant than those of today. At best, we might encounter a...
The Loch Ness Monster, the Bermuda Triangle and the Philadelphia Experiment. When metaphysics is confused with reality, a legend is born. The list of unexplained mysteries that...
US Journalists analyzed the data of Internet resources that allow monitoring air travel and came to the conclusion: a “mysterious air corridor” appeared over...
Several government whistleblowers claimed that a secret ‘Project Redlight‘ was held near the 51 area, with an effort to reverse engineer extraterrestrial ships. The...
Defense expert and author Tyler Rogoway recently acquired and published satellite images showing several unidentified aircraft exiting the hangars of the Tonopah Test Range...
Representatives of the US Army Land Forces Research Center say that in collaboration with To The Stars Academy (TTSA), they are studying different metamaterials...