Our new society is “almost” here! —Prepare For Change I urge you with everything I have to please watch my…
Paul McGuire On a global level there exists the Luciferian plan to create an-all prevailing Big Brother State that…
The video is taken from the channel "SignofThyComing", the original title of the video is "Mark of the Beast: Obama's…
This article is not orchestrated to give a defined “Antichrist” figure. It is to suggest that we live in an…
This years plays out to be a mysterious invisible chess move! The players in the game are the ‘extraterrestrials’ vs.…
Let’s begin with Helena Blavatsky-a Russian spiritualist, she was the ‘Magnum Opus,’ spreading knowledge of the Ascended Masters. She traveled…
The Bible says: “The Antichrist doesn’t fight back and like a lamb, he oozes his blood without a murmur.” Obama’s…