Aliens & UFO's Mass evacuation of alien spaceships from Earth recorded by cameras of the International Space Station The frames you see resemble a fragment of a science fiction film showing the evacuation from a doomed planet, but this is not a... SoulAskMay 19, 2020
Aliens & UFO's Sky watcher observes “Alien Spaceships” passing in front of planet Jupiter On the evening of December 13, 2019, the famous Sky watcher and UFO hunter nicknamed “BruceSeesall”, while using his CGXL1400 HD telescope with a... SoulAskDecember 18, 2019
Aliens & UFO's Mysterious Art depicting Ancient Aliens and Intelligent Ancestors We are immersed in the immense theme of UFOs on Earth, which, according to some, has begun since the beginning of the human race and, according... SoulAskApril 18, 2019
Aliens & UFO's Harvest by Tray Caladan On March 15th, 2014, we woke to find that on our televisions; already in our newspapers; on radio and over every... SoulAskJanuary 24, 2014