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Stonehenge Revealed

Stonehenge Revealed 1

By Leonard Farra

The 5,000 year old Stonehenge monument, in Wiltshire, has fascinated scholars for centuries and tourists flock to see it from around the world. In its first phase Stonehenge consisted of a large earth circle enclosed within a 6ft high chalk wall and an outer ditch. Within the outer circle there were 56 circular holes known as the Aubrey Holes. Three hundred later 80 bluestones, each weighing up to four tonnes, were brought to the site from the Prescelly mountains in Wales and, in a central position ,at right angles to the avenue, they were arranged in the form of two large concentric U’s. Another change occurred around 2,100 b.c.e , when a circle of sarsen stones , a natural sandstone, with a continuous run of lintels, was constructed. Within this circle there were five pairs of sarsens in the form of a huge horseshoe, each pair supporting a lintel, and the bluestones were re-arranged in oval form in the new formation. At some stage, two concentric henges were created on raised banks around Stonehenge so it now consisted of a series of concentric circles around a central U shaped enclosure. Archaeologists have recently produced a map under the surface of Stonehenge, and the surrounding area, and although they know a lot more about this mysterious site, some people believe that they have not provided a satisfactory explanation of its purpose.


I read about Mollie Carey’s fascinating visions at the site many years ago ,(1) but it was only recently that I found her own account on the Internet. Mollie Carey claimed to have discovered some previously unknown carvings on the stones but her visions are far more sensational . She said that one night when she was visiting Stonehenge, the Heel Stone, outside the main circle, began to glow . It took the form of a snake and from its mouth emerged a man. Fires were burning outside the circle and highly civilised people, dressed in colourful clothes, were celebrating. Now, this is where the story gets really intriguing for says that she became aware of a catastrophe in which much the world’s population perished. The ‘sky-people, she felt,’ came down to help the survivors of a submerged continent some of whom reached the British Isles and the Americas. With regard to the snake, she knew it was a symbol associated with these sky-people.

Mollie Carey’s vision is fascinating but what has it got to do with Stonehenge ? The best way to answer this question is to see what the Ancients, themselves, said about their past . What their legends, especially the more informative ones, say is that Earth was once visited by human-like beings who appeared to man dressed in long white robes and whose symbol was the serpent. They say that the visitors helped civilise man but when some people misused the technology given to them and became evil, and ignored warnings about their behaviour, the ‘star-people’ destroyed them with a great flood.

Mollie Carey said that she was aware of a lost flooded continent. However, more than one land appears to have been destroyed ,by flood, over the years, Contrary to what the Establishment would have them believe, many Native Americans say that their ancestors came to their country, not across the Bering Straits from Asia ,as is presently taught, but from lost flooded lands in the east or west. There were many early legends about submerged lands . In Western Europe, in the Middle Ages, stories were told about a lost Atlantic land called Hy Brasil .India also has its deluge legends and there are remains of a thousands of year old city off the Gulf of Cambay. Then there is the controversial rock formation off the coast of Yonaguni in Japan, which some claim to be the remains of a lost civilisation, and let’s not forget Plato’s famous story of Atlantis ,whose location has been the subject of many theories over the years, and the story of the lost continent of Mu in the Pacific. There were flood legends in Inca Peru and evidence of an earlier civilisation has been found beneath Lake Titicaca in the Andes. There are also submerged towns under the Mediterranean. Were some of these worldwide cities, or civilisations, destroyed in the Great Flood?

Mollie Carey’s Stonehenge vision appears to have been the subject of most of the hundreds of ‘allegorical’ deluge stories around the world which many people have taken literally. A few contain obscure references to the ‘sky-gods’, which only initiates understood, (2 ) but most describe how only two people, and sometimes some animals, were saved and that from them are descended the entire human race. Often, a local hill, or mountain, is identified as the place where the vessel of the survivors came to rest.(3 ) The deluge legend of the North American Hopi( 4) and the claimed ‘place of origin’ of some of the Central American Native peoples are related and the latter was symbolised in stone in some of the latters’s cities. (5) That its location has confused scholars comes as no surprise as they fail to appreciate that numerous early sources ,such as symbolism, sacred architecture, rituals and legends, suggest that it appears to have represented the ‘craft of the sky-gods’ from which the people emerged ‘after the Flood’ (6)

There are many suggestions of early contact between the Old and New Worlds such as Egypt’s cocaine mummies and the sunken Roman vessel reportedly found in Brazil several years ago. However, there is much more to this story for there were numerous versions of the sky-god religion around the Early World, just as there are of Christianity today. For example, a deluge legend from Ancient India tells of the rescue of a highly regarded man, Manu, from a lost flooded land ( 7 ) and the indications are that the celestial beings who accompanied him were Creator Gods in some Central American religions . (8) And bearing this in mind, it shouldn’t come entirely as a surprise that the symbolic layout of the Central American ‘place of origin’ was reproduced in an underground complex in Giza, Egypt . (9) Sceptics might say this is just a coincidence. However, a related form of symbolism , used in Incan Peru (10) was associated with the Osiris linked Afterlife traditions in Egypt.(11) It was also alluded to in some Egyptian rituals ( 12) and in those of other Early World peoples.

With regard to Stonehenge, it was neither a residence, nor a fortified enclosure, and the cremated human bones found in the Aubrey Holes suggest that it wasn’t a healing sanctuary unless they were medical disasters. And if was a sacred place where the ancestors were worshipped, as some scholars suggest, how do they explain the site’s astronomical alignments and its symbolism? Apart from the lintels, the plan of each of Stonehenge’s later phases was not unique as U shapes and concentric circles feature in rock art and were created in stone in some Stone Age sites around the world such as at Tustrup in Denmark where a central standing stone , in a U shaped enclosure, was aligned to the midsummer sunrise and where fiery rituals were enacted . (13)

Some of the early stones at Stonehenge are missing but their known positions ,and number, suggest that they may have represented the star-people who were symbolised in the form of standing stones in some early cultures.( 14 ) With regard to the Heel Stone , which played a major role in Mollie Carey’s vision, it was originally one of a pair which may have represented a gateway between secular and sacred ground. After its companion was removed, it was given a new symbolic role (15) in which the sun rose over its summit on the summer solstice. Could it be that it represented the civilising god whom, in some cultures,‘ came to Earth from the sun’ ( a disc) and who was widely associated with a serpent ? And although this might be no more than a coincidence, it’s worth noting that Quetzalcoatl, the Aztec civilising god , whose temple was circular, was depicted looking out from the mouth of a snake. (16 ) Serpent linked traditions, customs, and snake dances were popular in many early cultures and in England they were suppressed by the Church around the 12th century. Did they date back,in Wiltshire, to the Stonehenge era?

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According to the Mayan and Hindu calendars, the present age began, and the previous one ended, 5100 years ago. Around that time, there was climate change, and flooding, in many parts of the world. Several civilisations arose ‘fully developed ’and many tribes were on the move settling into new lands. This was also a pivotal time for the Ancient Brits (17) Major changes were made to the landscape and ‘the first phase of Stonehenge began’. The advanced Sumerians , who settled in Iraq among the less developed population at that time, stated that the Flood was caused by the Annunaki whose leaders appear to have been the entities who were revered as gods in numerous early cultures. That’s another fascinating story which I have covered in my three Pleiades Legacy books.

If we remove the stones from the plan of Stonehenge , we are left with a circular enclosure and a long path that’s now known as ‘The Avenue’. This form of symbolism appears in Stone Age rock art and in the layout of early Stone Age sites in the Middle East, Pakistan and India. (18 ) It was also the plan of a sacred site used in the rituals of a Stone Age cult, a 100 years ago ,in ceremonies relating to the Earth visit of a serpent ,and Pleiades, linked civilising god. (19 ). The Pleiades were featured in traditions throughout the Early World. They were associated with the Flood, agriculture, and the civilisers of man and they regulated many calendars such as those of the Babylonians and the Maya. Some tribes believe that their ancestors came from these stars and one tribe ,whose traditions are ‘sky-god’ linked, claims that their people return there when they die.(20)

Both of the two main Celtic festivals, Beltaine and Samhain, began with the rising of the Pleiades. Samhain, the origin of Halloween, which was held on the first of November, was a window into the Otherworld when the dead returned to Earth. The Festival of the Dead was celebrated by many early people at that time and it was Pleiades linked .Colonel. J, Garnier wrote that ‘In Mexico, the festival of the dead was held on the 17th November and was regulated by the Pleiades. It began at sunset and , at midnight, as that constellation approached the zenith, a human sacrifice, says Prescott, was offered up to avert the dread calamity which they believed impended over the human race. They had a tradition that the world had been previously destroyed and they dreaded that a similar catastrophe at the end of a cycle would annihilate the human race. Garnier adds that, according to Ellis, in the Society Islands the Pleiades linked festival of the dead ‘was viewed as a national acknowledgement to the gods’. (21 )

Stonehenge was once a prominent feature in the landscape, among a complex of circles, burial mounds, and ceremonial paths, and ,bearing in mind that sky-god linked celebrations were taking place, when it was in use, throughout the world, it’s not unreasonable to suggest that it too was a sacred site dedicated to the worship of these serpent linked star people. (22) Mollie Carey suggested that ‘Tiahuanaco in Bolivia ties up with Stonehenge and Avebury’ which is twenty odd miles north of Stonehenge. Although there is no obvious connection between Tiahuanaco and Stonehenge, other than a probable ‘sky-god’ link, there was similar sky-god symbolism at Tiahuanaco and Avebury and also in, Egypt, Babylon, Assyria, parts of Asia, and Central America .(23 )

Based upon reports of surviving Stone Age cults, tribal customs, and various Early World religious traditions, we can surmise that the following ceremonies may have taken place at Stonehenge. Astronomer priests informed the people of the time to celebrate the peoples’ major religious festivals. These probably took place on the solstices and equinoxes, to which numerous ancient sites were aligned, and it’s likely that the rising of the Pleiades was an important feature in these events. At a prescribed time, the priests summoned the people to gather together, possibly by blowing trumpets. The congregation, led by richly garmented priests and dignitaries, proceeded along The Avenue towards the Stonehenge circle and they stopped to pay homage to the god represented by the Heel Stone. Only those permitted were allowed to enter the sacred circle. Women and children had to stay at a distance and were not allowed to take part in many of the rituals which may have included animal ,or human, sacrifice. Fires were lit around Stonehenge and there may have been serpent dances to celebrate the dawn of a new era and the return of the ‘star gods’. Stonehenge appears to have been the equivalent of a cathedral and similar ceremonies may have taken place in hundreds of other stone circles in Britain and in many other countries around the world.

The Bimini Road is a controversial underwater rock formation near North Bimini in the Bahamas.


The Bimini Road, sometimes called the Bimini Wall, is an underwater rock formation near North Bimini island in the Bahamas. The Road consists of a 0.8 km (0.50 mi)-long northeast-southwest linear feature composed of roughly rectangular to subrectangular limestoneblocks. Various claims have been made for this feature being either a wall, road, pier, breakwater, or other man-made structure.

Some alternative scholars claim that it’s man-made whilst sceptics insist that it’s only natural. Starting from 1974, Dr. David Zink began a series of underwater expeditions to research this controversial site and medium Carol Huffstickler , who accompanied him, had the impression that there was an Earth visit from the Pleiades around 30,000 years ago. She said of the visitors that ‘they must surely have seemed as gods to the earthlings they visited.(24} There is no evidence, at present, to confirm that this visit took place but ,if it did, then could it be that advanced beings from the Pleiades came to our planet on at least two occasions, the last one being around 5,000 years ago and which was commemorated by many early people including those at Stonehenge?


(1) Peter Kolosimo. Not of this World. (p185)
(2) Edmond Sollberger. The Babylonian Legend of the Flood. (p25)British Museum Publications Ltd.1977
(3) George Catlin. Letters and Notes on the Manners and Customs of North American Indians. ( p178) Dover Publications. 1973
(4) Frank Waters.Book of the Hopi (p90) Penguin Books. 1977
(5) Linda Schelle and David Friedel , A Forest of Kings. (p502) William Morrow. 1990
(6) Leonard Farra. The Pleiades Legacy (The New World) (p23) Blurb.2010
(7) Donald.A.Mackenzie. Indian Myth and Legend. (p141) Gresham Publishing Company
(8) Leonard Farra. The Pleiades Legacy (The Old World) and The Pleiades Legacy (The New World) Blurb. 2010
(9) Leonard Farra . The Pleiades Legacy (The Old World) (p161-) Blurb. 2010
(10)Siegfried Huber. The Realm of the Incas (p175) Robert Hale Ltd. 1959
(11)Wm.R.Fix. Star Maps. (p77) Octopus.1979
(12) Normandi Ellis. Feasts of Light. (p107)Quest Books.1999
(13)Leonard Farra (The Pleiades Legacy (The Stone Age) (p133).Blurb. 2010
(14) Ibid .(p97, 186,209)
(15) Ibid. (p73)
(16)Jacques Soustelle .Daily Life of the Aztecs. ( p21) Phoenix Press.1961
(17) Rodney Castleden, Britain 3000 B.C. (p81) Sutton Publishing. 2003
(18)Edward Bacon. Archaeological Discoveries of the 1960’s ( p217) Cassell.1971
(19) J.G.Steele. Aboriginal Pathways (p43) University of Queensland Press. 1984
(20) Ronald Eyre on The Long Search. (p187) Collins. 1979
(21)Col. J.Garnier,The Worship of the Dead. (p5-) Chapman and Hall. 1904
(22)Leonard Farra. The Pleiades Legacy (The Stone Age) (p68-) Blurb. 2010
(23) “ “ “ “ “ (The New World) (p167) “ “
(24)Dr .David Zink.The Stones of Atlantis. ( p115/116) W.H.Allen. 1978

Copyright 2014 by Leonard Farra

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About the author

Leonard Farra – is the author of the books The Pleiades Legacy and The Pleiades Legacy (The Stone Age) – The Return of the Gods and The Pleiades Legacy ( The New World). All his books can be purchased Online from Blurb.Com. His E-books can be viewed on Apple Ipad, Iphone and Ipad touch.

Leonard Farra has researched the Ancient Astronaut theory for 35 years and written four books on the subject.


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