Angels exist on a different vibrational frequency to humans, and most of us are therefore unable to see them but we can often feel their presence around us.
Angels have a way of making their presence known and it is not necessary to be deeply religious or to have a strong spiritual belief to sense the presence of an angel.
1. The temperature in the room may change.
You may feel a sudden rush of warm air or a warm glow surrounding you. You may also get goose bumps or tingling at the back of your neck or head.
2. An intriguing fragrance may appear out of nowhere.
It may be an unusual aroma that you have never smelt before, and you will probably not be able to identify it.
3. Different colored lights may appear from nowhere.
You may see shafts of light streaming down or shooting across the room or may catch glimpses or sparks of light or notice shadows. Do not be afraid, you will not see an angel appearing until you are ready to, and angels of course have no desire to harm you.
4. You may hear angelic voices trying to communicate to you.
If the voice is merely a whisper or is muffled, send a mental message for the angel to speak louder. Do not assume that the angelic voice you are hearing is a product of your imagination.
5. White feathers may suddenly appear in the most unlikely and unexpected of place.
This is a sure sign that the angels are with you and are ready to answer your prayers…
6. Angels may appear to you in your dream state with a solution to a particular problem.
By the morning, you will feel more positive and clearer about which direction to take…
7. You may feel as if there is someone in the room with you.
(As if someone has just brushed past you) or you may experience the sensation that a presence is standing behind you perhaps with their hands on your shoulders.
Often the angels will make their presence very obvious. A common experience is when you are in a bookshop or a library perhaps unconsciously looking for guidance and suddenly a book will fly off a shelf and drop at your feet.
This is angels at work, trust in them and you will receive more signs.
They are here to help us on life path.