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Secrets of Leonardo da Vinci

Secrets of Leonardo da Vinci 1

Leonardo da Vinci is the embodiment of the concept of creative genius during the reign of the Renaissance.

The master’s full name is Leonardo di Ser Piero da, Vinci.

This was the son of a rich notary, Messer Piero Fruosino di Antonio da Vinci, and Caterina, a peasant who is believed to be working on his father’s estate.

“Da Vinci” means from Vinci, so it is advisable, when its name is shortened, to use Leonardo.

Leonardo da Vinci has a special sleep program that ensures maximum efficiency at work.

With a fragmented sleep, summing up daily only an hour and a half, the genius has practically extended its existence by about 30 years.

Researcher Claudio Stampi wrote in the book “Why We Nap” that the famous inventor Leonardo da Vinci had a unique way of rest. He slept for 15 minutes every four hours.

Secrets of Leonardo da Vinci

Leonardo di ser Piero da Vinci 15 April 1452 – 2 May 1519

It seems that one of Leonardo da Vinci’s secrets was a special sleeping formula: he slept 15 minutes from 4 in 4 hours, which is one and a half hours daily instead of eight (with a 75 percent time savings ).

The time he was wasting for sleep could now spend on creativity. The artist has used the polyphase sleep for many years in his life without experiencing fatigue.

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All his notes are written in reverse. He seems to have done so to keep his ideas from being stolen.

He developed this technique so well that he no longer needed a mirror to write that way.

He was dyslexic, but this did not prevent him from becoming a universal, and ambidextrous genius, being able to write with one hand and draw with the other in different ways at the same time.

Although something unusual for his time, Leonardo da Vinci was a vegetarian. He had chosen this way of life for humanitarian reasons.

He also used to buy birds in cages from various merchants and release them.

He was fascinated by the human body and finding that place in the body in which the soul dwells.

He dissected many corpses, and these experiments resulted in one of his most famous drawings, Vitruvian Man.

Apart from the fact that the drawing reveals observations related to the symmetry of the human body, it represents the balance between materiality and spirituality, which is found in man.

The figure with four arms and four legs highlights the union between the man and his subtle, spiritual or profound nature, in an active, action-driven manner.

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Secrets of Leonardo da Vinc
Leonardo da Vinci -Vitruvian Man

Historians have discovered that many paintings made by Leonardo da Vinci contain hidden codes that can not be seen with the naked eye.

Part of these codes would be written in the eyes of the famous Mona Lisa, according to the latest findings, informs Daily Mail.

Silvano Vinceti, president of the National Cultural Heritage Committee in Italy, who deals with the case, says everything has gone from a discovery in an old book.

In this volume, reference is made to a series of symbols that would be found in the eyes of Mona Lisa.

Research done so far has revealed several letters and figures, which can only be seen on a microscope.

According to Vincenti, in the right eye of Gioconda, the LV letters appear to be painted, which could very easily represent the initials of Leonardo da Vinci.

In the left eye, there are also some symbols, but they are not as clear.

These appear to be letters of the EC or letter B. It seems that these symbols were painted intentionally by Leonardo.

Cipher and Encryption

It is certain that Leonardo da Vinci was not alien to the use of codes and encryption. He wrote his notes in reverse, using mirror writing.

So far, it is not clear why Leonardo did so.

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It has been suggested that he would have feared that some of his inventions, with military applications, would be too destructive if he fell into the wrong hands.

Therefore, they would have protected their notes by using this reverse-writing method.

Other scholars point out that this type of encryption is quite easy to decipher. Just keep the paper in front of the mirror so you can read it.

If Leonardo da Vinci used this method for security reasons, he probably wished to hide his writings only by the less educated.

Other historians have suggested that he used this reverse writing method because it seemed easier.

Leonardo da Vinci was a lefty, and writing was easier for him than for a right-hander, they speculate.

The Mystery of Mona Lisa

Mona Lisa is perhaps the most controversial painting made by Leonardo.

There have been theories that there are even two paintings on it. The painting is displayed today at the Louvre Museum in Paris.

Secrets of Leonardo da Vinci
Leonardo Da Vinci Mona Lisa Painting

There are many speculations about the identity of the character represented in the painting, but most historians believe that the woman would be Lisa Gherardini, the wife of Francesco del Giocondo, a merchant in Florence.

It has been said that she is the ideal woman or a man disguised as a woman, the self-portrait of the artist or even her lover, Gian Giacomo de Caprotti.

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There were also theories that the portrait would be that of an androgynous, half woman, half man, or even the face of the artist’s mother.

In Leonardo’s time, “Gioconda” means happiness, so in the mind of the artist the mark of the family, the defining element for it becomes happiness.

Perhaps that is why, as some researchers have argued in a 2005 study, Mona Lisa’s face expresses 83% happiness, 9% contempt, 6% fear and 2% anger, less than 1% neutrality and no trace of surprise.

Many are convinced that Leonardo painted symbols or secret messages in his works.

People have analyzed his most famous painting, Mona Lisa, and have discovered various techniques and meanings hidden in the painting.

Da Vinci used his best arts tricks to create this painting.

Many say the smile of the character in the picture haunts them.

Viewers often say that Mona Lisa’s smile seems to change, although the paint with which she is painted is obviously still.

Professor Margaret Livingstone, from Harvard University, has an explanation for this unusual effect.

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She says that Leonardo da Vinci painted the corners of her mouth so that they emerge from the focus area.

Secrets of Leonardo da Vinci
Mona Lisa’s Smile

Thus, the corners of the mouth are better seen with the peripheral look than if we look straight at them.

That’s why some people say the portrait looks smile even when I do not look directly at it.

A team of UK researchers who, analyzing another painting by Leonardo da Vinci, came to the conclusion that the Renaissance Master used an optical illusion to defeat the viewer’s peripheral vision.

Mona Lisa’s mysterious expression captivates the world for centuries, but it is not the only enigmatic smile created by Leonardo da Vinci, says an article published in

British researchers at Sheffield Hallam University and Sunderland University have examined an older painting of the Italian master and say they have discovered his secret to make a “smile that cannot be deciphered” on the canvas.

Their study revealed how the La Bella Principessa, painted by Leonardo da Vinci before the Italian master completes Mona Lisa at the end of the fifteenth century, uses a clever trick to deceive the viewer’s attention.

British scholars have discovered that, in a specific way of combining colors, made to mislead the peripheral vision, the shape of the woman’s mouth appears to be altered according to the angle in which it is viewed.

When viewed directly, the woman’s mouth line in the painting is pointing down.

But as the eyes of the viewer go straight ahead in other directions to examine other features of the portrait, the corners of her mouth seem to follow an ascending line, creating a smile that can only be observed indirectly from the side, as in the case of Mona Lisa.

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The technique is called “sfumato” and can be seen both in the portrait “Mona Lisa” and “La Bella Principessa”.

Secrets of Leonardo da Vinci
“Mona Lisa”, and “La Bella Principessa”.

Although the technique has been used by other Renaissance artists, none have attained Leonardo da Vinci’s level of craftsmanship, according to the authors of the study, published in Vision Research.

Numerous figures, letters, and other symbols have recently been discovered by Italian researchers in Mona Lisei pupils, the mysterious woman who appears in the famous painting of Leonardo da Vinci, informs

The discovery was made recently when the prominent Italian experts wished to reconsider the mysterious masterpiece of the Italian Renaissance.

Hidden in the dark layer of paint in Mona Lisa’s pupils, Leonardo Da Vinci painted a few letters, figures and symbols, all of which were made on a very small scale. Symbols can be seen using the microscope.

Secrets of Leonardo da Vinci
The Mona Lisa Mystery

Experts say these symbols are a true “code” of Leonardo Da Vinci.

The discovery of the Italian historians seems to be detached from the pageant of the Da Vinci Code, a bestseller written by American Dan Brown, in which the writer claimed that the famous painting contained the inscriptions on the Holy Grail.

Silvano Vinceti, president of the National Cultural Heritage Committee in Italy, who discovered the symbols, said:


“In the right eye appear letters L and V, which might be the initials of his name – Leonardo Da Vinci – and other symbols appear in the left eye, but they are not the same.

They appear to be letters C and E or only letter B. In the background can be seen the number 72 or maybe the letter Lurmata of figure 2.

We must remember that this painting for almost 500 years and is no longer as clear as when it was painted.

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As a result of the preliminary investigations, we are positive that this is not a mistake, and these symbols have been drawn there even by the artist, “said the Expert.

The research was initiated after another Italian expert discovered in an old-fashioned antique store that talks about the Da Vinci hidden symbols in the Mona Lisa pupils.

Silvano Vinceti said: “Da Vinci attaches great importance to the painting” Mona Lisa “and we know that in his last years he used to take paint with him all over the place.

We also know that Da Vinci was passionate about esotericism, and often used symbols in his works to transmit certain messages. ”

Silvano Vinceti is part of a cultural association that has asked the Italian authorities for the permission to exhume the parental remains of Leonard DaVinci, who was buried in France at Amboise Castle in the Loire Valley.

Italian specialists want to analyze the skull of the artist to recreate the face of the Renaissance master with the aid of three-dimensional graphics, and to convince them if Mona Lisa – a painting owned by the French world and exhibited at the Louvre Museum in Paris – is, in fact, a self-portrait of Da Vinci, as many historians think.

Another explanation

Another theory is proposed by Christopher Tyler and Leonid Kontsevich, from the San Francisco Oval Research Institute.

What two say the smile seems to change because of the varying level of random noise produced by the visual system.

If you close your eyes in a dark room, you will notice that not everything is black. The cells in your eyes generate a low level of background noise (small lights and dark dots).

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Your brain usually filters these things, but Tyler and Kontsevich say that when you look at Mona Lisa, these little points can change the shape of the smile.

As evidence in support of their theory, the two put multiple sets of black dots over an image of Mona Lisa and showed it to the public.

Some sets made the expression look smile, others made it look sad. Tyler and Kontsevich claim that the inherent noise in the human visual system has the same effect.

When someone looks at the picture, the noise of his visual system adds some elements of the image and changes it. That’s why the smile seems to change.

The mystery of the famous painting “The Last Supper”.

The painting began to be painted in 1495 at the command of Prince Milan, Ludovic Sforza.

Although the prince had a very disorganized life, he had a very good and godly wife named Beatrice, whom he loved and loved very much.

But unfortunately, his love for her has only truly become apparent when she suddenly died.

The prince was so broken by pain when he lost his wife that he had not left his bedroom for 15 days.

When he left, the first thing he did was to order a painting that his wife wanted very much when he was alive. He then ended the depraved way of life.

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Work on the painting was finished only three years later, in 1498. During the work, Leonardo da Vinci used organic-based colors, for which the painting began to destroy very quickly.

The fresco was placed in the trapeze of a church in Milan.

The frescoes are exactly the same as those used in the church at that time.

Using the given method, the painter wanted to show that Jesus and Judas (good and evil) are closer to us than we think.

Secrets of Leonardo da Vinci
Leonardo da Vinci. The Last Supper. 1498 (16th century copy)

Interesting facts:

  1. The person of the apostles in the painting is very controversial. It is, however, considered that the apostles are in the following order (from left to right): Bartholomew, Jacob the Little, Judas, Peter, John, Thomas, James the Great, Philip, Matthew, Tadeu and Simion Zealot.
  2. Many specialists say that the painting illustrates the Last Supper because Jesus shows his hands for bread and wine. But there are also alternative versions.
  3. For a time, Leonardo da Vinci could not find prototypes for Jesus and Judas. Being in search of inspiration, he once noticed in the church choir a young man with a very bright and clean appearance. That would be Jesus. The problem with Judah remained.After three years of searches, a prototype was finally found for Judas. As he strolled through the market, the painter noticed a dragon in a drainage channel. “Here is Judah,” da Vinci said in his mind. Soon the drunk was brought to the palace at the workplace of the painter.After Judas’s face was finished, the drunk approached the picture and said he had seen this painting sometime. Da Vinci was confused and then realized that this drunk was actually the young man whom he had painted three years ago in the image of Jesus …
  4. Many believe that on the right hand of Jesus is not an apostle, but Mary Magdalene.If things were so, then the author wanted to say that this was Jesus’ wife.The faces of the two form the letter “M”, which some interpret as the beginning of the word “Matrimonio”, meaning marriage. Who knows what the author really meant …
  5. Some say that the place of the apostles at the table is not accidental. They say the disciples are in the order of the zodiac. Thus, Jesus is Capricorn and Mary – Virgo
  6. During the Second World War, the church where the fresco was found was almost completely destroyed following a bombing. Just survived the wall with this fresco …
  7. The symbolism of cutlery is the same. Thus, before Judas stands an empty plate!
  8. Other art specialists assert that the image of the apostle who is facing Jesus, that is, Tadeu, is actually the self-portrait of da Vinci. Considering that the painter had atheistic visions, this hypothesis is very plausible.

The leader of a secret group?

It is supposed that Leonardo da Vinci was the leader of a secret group called the Prior of Zion.

According to the da Vinci Code, the Priority’s mission was to keep the secret of Mary Magdalene and her marriage to Jesus alive.

Although the da Vinci Code is a work of fiction, it is based on the theories of a controversial non-fiction book, titled Holy Blood, Holy Grail.

The volume was written by Michael Baigent, Richard Leigh and Henry Lincoln in the early 1980s.

Holy Grail, Holy Grail speaks of the evidence that Leonardo da Vinci was a member of the Zion Priory. The evidence is several documents deposited at the National Library of Paris.

 Priory of Sion

The Priory of Zion, also known as the Order of Zion or the Order of the Madonna of Zion, was and is (apparently) an extremely secret society over time, being founded in 1099 during the first crusade.

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That foundation was nothing more than the formalization of a much older group, preserving an extremely dangerous secret for mankind.

The Priory of Zion was at the base of the Knights Templar Order, those Medieval warriors with a sinister reputation.

The Priory and the Templars became one and the same organization, led by the same Grand Master, until the schism of 1188, when each one took its own course.

The Priory of Sion has been convinced to be led by a host of great masters, sounds of history like Isaac Newton, Botticelli, or the famous Leonardo da Vinci, which is said to have ruled Priory in its last 9 years of life.

Her recent figures include writer Victor Hugo and filmmaker Jean Cocteau.

Ordinary figures such as Ioana d’Arc, Nostradamus, and Pope John XXIII were also among the ordinary members.

The stated purpose of this organization is to protect the descendants of the ancient dynasty of the Merovingian kings of the Frankish state, who reigned from the 5th century to the 7th century (the latter being Dagobert II).

The Priory of Zion, a hoax?

There is some evidence that there was a monastic order with this name in 1116 BC, but there is no evidence that this order would have anything to do with the Priory of Zion in the twentieth century.

Documents in the National Library that support the theory of the existence of Priory of Zion are real. But they seem to be part of a scam set by a man named Pierre Plantard in the 1950s.

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Plantard and a group of friends who had anti-Semitic and extreme right inclinations set up the Priory of Zion.

By manufacturing and planting documents, including false genealogies, Plantard seems to have wanted to prove that he was a descendant of the Merovingians and heir to the throne of France.

The document that portrayed Leonardo (alongside other enlightened minds such as Botticelli and Isaac Newton) as a great master of the Priority was also a fake.

The fact that Leonardo da Vinci was not, in fact, the great master of a secret society should not diminish his admiration for him.

His works have inspired millions of people over the centuries and contain elements that experts are still trying to explain.

In addition, his experiments and inventions prove he is an advanced thinker, whose explorations have gone much further than his contemporaries.

The secret of Leonardo da Vinci is that he was a genius that few people of his century knew how to value him.


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