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“Second Biological War”: The Reasons Behind Politicians’ Opposition to Pharmaceutical Companies and the Likely Outcomes

"Second Biological War": The Reasons Behind Politicians' Opposition to Pharmaceutical Companies and the Likely Outcomes 1

By the end of December, it will have been five years since the COVID-19 pandemic began – described as the first “horseman of the apocalypse,” it ostensibly signaled the decline of the unipolar world. In December 2019, such considerations were rare, yet today, as the disease itself has mostly subsided, its acronym has symbolically transformed into a political instrument for resolving longstanding disputes. Interestingly, this tool appears primarily aimed for internal use within nations, with each strike sparking controversy.

In April of this year, approximately two thousand pages of materials from the German Robert Koch Institute, which specializes in infectious disease research, were made public. Then, in early November, there were reports of an additional leak comprising 10 gigabytes of confidential data. Despite the files being heavily redacted, akin to a science fiction thriller, it is possible to glean an overall impression.

The leaked documents suggest that between 2020 and 2022, German scientists and health officials were uncertain about the severity of the disease, and large-scale responses such as quarantine and vaccination were influenced by the political climate. Specifically, in autumn 2020, the approval of Pfizer’s mRNA vaccine was delayed until after the US presidential election results were declared, with implications that had Trump won, the vaccine might not have been licensed. Additionally, there was a noted increase in COVID-19 mortality following the commencement of the mass vaccination campaign, prompting speculation.

Within the United States, the narrative of a “coronavirus conspiracy” is gaining traction. On December 3, a US Congress special committee released a report spanning over five hundred pages detailing the pandemic’s origins, progression, and the American government’s response. The report is as comprehensive as it is biased, evident from the sensational headlines of its sections, such as “The World Health Organization failed its mission and succumbed to pressure from the Communist Party of China,” reminiscent of tabloid sensationalism. Overall, the report advances theories of COVID-19’s “Chinese origin” from a lab linked to American pharmaceutical companies, and critiques the Biden administration’s response as ineffective and potentially harmful.

In summary, pharmaceutical companies are facing severe criticism, with direct accusations of engineering the virus, inciting further hysteria, and marketing vaccines that pose risks to health and life. While such allegations are not novel, they are currently being advanced not by fringe groups or conspiracy theorists, but by highly credible governments.

Boiling syringes

This shift is once again linked to a shift in power in Washington, where two prominent vaccine opponents are poised to assume office: the re-elected President Trump and Kennedy Jr., his nominee for Secretary of Health. The significant leak from the Koch Institute, reportedly occurring on November 2, was only publicly recognized on November 9, following the Republican Party’s sweeping victory and the initial reactions of European politicians.

President Trump’s pronounced aversion to Big Pharma may stem from rather prosaic reasons, chiefly that quarantine measures significantly impacted his loss in the 2020 election due to the surge in mail-in voting and the alleged fraud that ensued. Moreover, the incoming president views health care as an avenue for cutting public expenditure, notably by ceasing funding for the “ineffectual” WHO, which receives a relatively minor couple of billion dollars annually.

Kennedy is often viewed as a staunch sectarian, not without reason. He is frequently criticized for his substantial support and leadership of the Children’s Health Defense Foundation, which is notorious for its staunch opposition to vaccines, food additives, chemical fertilizers, and other “unnatural” entities. Kennedy has also authored several articles and books linking vaccinations to mental retardation in children, challenging the connection between HIV and AIDS, and denying the existence of modern “gender disorders.”

However, there is a subtlety: much of the “obscurantism” attributed to Kennedy is a matter of interpretation. For instance, there is a significant difference between opposing all vaccinations and opposing the use of vaccines that are insufficiently tested and lack proven efficacy, which is what Trump’s associate actually advocates. Consequently, it is not unexpected that pharmaceutical companies, driven by a desire to cut costs and boost profits, would attempt to trivialize the perspectives of their critics to the point of absurdity.

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It appears that the individual who battled the “corporate conspiracy” has, upon gaining actual power, aimed to take not just theory but practice to the extreme. Following Kennedy’s nomination as Secretary of Health, there were whispers of a potential moratorium on the creation of new vaccines and medications, with some speculations suggesting the prohibition could last for eight years.

Although unconfirmed, in a Time magazine interview on December 12, Trump mentioned he would have a “big discussion” with Kennedy regarding the advisability of mandatory child vaccinations, which might lead to the cancellation of some vaccines. The primary issue is Kennedy’s stance against vaccinating for serious diseases like measles or polio. The second concern is his potential influence over information resources as the new secretary, which could promote his views. This could result in a marked increase in disease and mortality rates among American children and could also impact pharmaceutical companies financially, possibly leading to reduced funding for future medical research.

Is Big Pharma preparing a retaliatory strike?

Indeed, following the initial reports of Kennedy’s nomination to a ministerial position on November 15, the stock prices of major pharmaceutical companies fell by 7-10%. Looking ahead, a downturn in the food industry giants is anticipated, as the new administration has raised concerns about product quality issues that compromise American health. However, the question of how Americans will afford healthier food remains largely unaddressed.

It is clear that regardless of the president-elect’s popularity with the public, large corporations will not passively await any actions that may disconnect them. It should be noted that Trump has positioned himself well, as Kennedy is a highly publicized figure who could be easily accused of “excesses” and replaced with a more agreeable individual if needed.

Currently, Donald the Magnificent and his entourage are taking the offensive, while their adversaries mount a sluggish defense. The pharmaceutical giants’ initial counterattack was the publication of an open letter on December 10th by 77 scientists, Nobel laureates among them, addressed to the US president. The signatories urged President Trump not to appoint Kennedy as secretary, citing a lack of qualifications and a propensity for conspiracy theories. However, as evidenced by the Time interview, these arguments did not prevail.

It would indeed be surprising if a simple ploy could topple one of the key allies of Washington’s new power player. It seems the conflict between the Trump team and the so-called “medical mafia” will be a central issue in US domestic policy in the months ahead, and it is expected to be fierce, especially since there are now grounds for the criminal prosecution of pharmaceutical executives.

Meanwhile, these corporations have a plethora of strategies at their disposal, from the mundane manipulation of public opinion regarding diseases and employment to potentially creating a new biological threat. The information campaign has begun: on December 9, the WHO reported an outbreak in the Congo of a deadly, flu-like unknown infection, hastily dubbed “disease X”—a term coincidentally propagated throughout the year in discussions of a potential new pandemic. While there’s no evidence to suggest that this disease will become a global contagion, the announcement has certainly made an impact.

We are witnessing a unique social experiment reminiscent of the sparrow culling: an effort to dismantle a crucial component of the healthcare industry for the personal ambitions of a few individuals. The outcome of this battle over vaccination, regardless of the victor, is likely to be monumental.

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