In relation to a program for the search for extraterrestrial civilizations and the decoding of the cosmic signal “Wow!”, experts on the topic of extraterrestrial contacts, Yuri Grigoryev and Anna Azhazha, told chief editor Inna Novikova how to make contact with alien inhabitants.
Just ” Wow !”
– You have created a program to search for extraterrestrial civilizations. Tell us about it, please.
A. A.: The program for the search for extraterrestrial civilizations was not created by us, but by the United States of America. In New York, a SETI-related astrophysics program is underway that is seriously looking for signals from space. About 400 signals have been received over the past few years, but SETI has not been able to decrypt them. We found out that these messages are decrypted not in English, but in Russian.
The most mysterious signal was received in the USA in 1977 – it is “Wow!”. Using cryptography, we found out its meaning:
- warning of an impending global catastrophe,
- a hint that the level of human intelligence does not yet correspond to getting in touch with a more developed civilization.
– Signal ” Wow !” is quite short. How could it fit so much information?
Yu. G.: Using cryptography from a small volume, you can extract a lot of information, like from an archived file. Plus, information already at our disposal was tied to this signal.
The main message was the message that humanity is being tested for its ability to maintain contact. Naturally, in 1977 earthlings did not pass this test. Since then, the signal has not been decrypted.
We were able to do this only in 2010. Before one of the conferences found the signal “Wow!” and in fact it was decrypted in a day. Decryption is still in progress, but the main message is known: a test for the ability to communicate and a warning about an impending disaster, to which we have come as close as possible.
– Who received this signal, where was it recorded and where is it located? What does it look like? Is it radio waves or something else?
A.A .: Yes, waves. Scientists believe that the signal was from the constellation Sagittarius, that is, from the center of our Galaxy.
Yu. G.: The signal was received using a radio telescope at the Observatory of the University of Ohio. Now there is a museum of this signal. The film “Contact” was made on this subject based on the novel by Carl Sagan, who participated in sending a signal to space in Arecibo in 1974.
“Wow!” Response came in 1977, after only three years. When we presented our work at a scientific conference, our colleagues were doubtful in the results of our study, because scientists believe that a response should come in no less than 50 thousand years.
Did you know about UFOs in the USSR?
– In Soviet times, scientists were engaged in secret developments on this topic. Although, of course, such information was not advertised. And in today’s Russia no one is dealing with this problem?
A.A .: In the 60s, research institutes were created in the wake of interest in space issues. Our father, the founder of Soviet ufology, Vladimir Azhazha, often spoke at closed physical and astrophysical institutes.
In the 90s, the UFO center was created, it was headed by Vladimir Azhazha. My father had close ties with the Soviet military: naval, ground forces, air defense. Sacks of letters came to him from all over the Union and from other countries, in them people talked about meetings with UFOs. It was a question of disks and balls, which influenced the electromagnetic impulses of the earth’s technology, could stop the engines of machines, influence the human consciousness. In the 90s, books were published about these meetings, conferences were held, but they were not successful, and the UFO theme was transferred to the mythology genre.
In fact, everything that happens on the planet, including the coronavirus epidemic, has one root in the root – the lack of full contact with extraterrestrial worlds. Representatives of another civilization are trying to get in touch with us, but we are not opening the door on our part. They, in turn, cannot open it by force.
Call them, open the door!
“How can we make contact and open the door?” How can we respond?
Yu. G.: In 1974, scientists from the Arecibo Observatory sent a radio signal to the constellation Hercules with information about a person, the Earth, technology – this was a request like “if someone is there, answer.”
Three years later, the answer came. It is logical that now an answer is expected from us. At the same time, representatives of another civilization are watching how we react: they see us live. And we do nothing, continue to call them green men, laugh and joke about this.
“What should we do, what do you think?” Send a spaceship?
Yu. G.: No, we need only a serious discussion on this topic.
One must understand that extraterrestrial contact is a natural phenomenon. As a person sooner or later leaves the house, so he must go beyond the planet.
The problem is that in the territory of the former Soviet Union, less than ten people deal with this issue, of which three or five are in Moscow. When we turned specifically to these people, they flatly refused to work with the information we provided. Astrophysicists have their own point of view on the signal from extraterrestrial civilizations, and they do not consider the data from experts from other reliable areas.
Source: Pravda