Protestors have violently blocked Rihanna from entering the West African nation of Senegal because of her “affiliation with the Illuminati,” according to reports.
The protests turned “violent“, according to local reports, as protestors claimed Rihanna has aligned herself with the Illuminati, a shadowy group of global elites working to establish a New World Order.
The protestors are backed by politicians and religious leaders in the country who have also been working to block Rihanna’s visit to Senegal, claiming that she flaunts her membership of the Illuminati.
“Rihanna doesn’t hide it: she’s part of the Illuminati, a branch of Freemasons,” Senegalese spokesman Cheikh Oumar Diagne told the Guardian.
Rihanna told the media she has arrived as an “Ambassador of Peace” and plans to meet with French president Emmanuel Macron, a former Rothschild banker, during her visit to the West African nation. However Diagne claims the meeting between the pop star and the French president coincides with the exact date of a Freemasons’ conference in Dakar.
While Rihanna claims her meeting with President Macron is tied to The Global Partnership for Education, which parallels the goals of The Clara Lionel Foundation in raising money for disadvantaged children in developing countries, Diagne says he has intelligence that Rihanna and Macron are attending the top secret Freemasons’ convention, where they will mix with other members of the global elite.
Rihanna’s music videos often contain nods to her membership of the Illuminati, including this hint from her S&M video.
It’s not the first time Rihanna has sparked controversy while traveling outside her adopted homeland of the U.S. in recent months. Visiting her birthplace of Barbados in December, the self-styled Illuminati Princess was caught instructing children to pray to Satan.
“The definition of stupidity is doing something over and over again when it isn’t working,” she told a group of children at an event celebrating her life and success, before adding “if Jesus hasn’t answered your prayers, try praying to Satan.“
Rihanna’s Satanic preaching is merely the latest public dalliance the singer has shared with the dark side. After starting her career as a fresh faced R&B singer, she reinvented her image, embraced dark spirituality, and rode to the top of the pop game while flashing Satanic hand gestures and promoting Illuminati symbolism.
Since establishing herself in the global consciousness as a Devil-worshipping entertainer, Rihanna has attempted to tone down her dark image, however disturbing remarks about Satan she made in Barbados recently suggest she is far from a reformed character, and she has openly embraced the darkest forces in society.