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Riddles of the Apocrypha: What is hidden in the forbidden gospels?

Riddles of the Apocrypha: What is hidden in the forbidden gospels? 1

Apocrypha contains a lot of alternative and sometimes inconvenient information for official religious institutions. The irony lies in the fact that older scrolls found in modern times contain information that differs significantly from canonical history, although the date of its creation is much closer to the events described.

Qumran manuscripts

In 1946-1947, many manuscripts were discovered in Qumran (the territory of modern Israel). The very first finds were discovered by local Bedouin shepherds Mohammed ed-Dhib, his brother Juma Mohammed and Khalil Musa between November 1946 and February 1947. The shepherds found 7 scrolls in jars in a hard-to-reach cave.

In 2017, it was announced that Cave 12 had been found. However, the jars were broken, and the texts themselves were not found there. Only one parchment was found, but it turned out to be empty. According to the official version, the cave was plundered.

Qumran caves
Apocrypha (from other Greek-1-2
Qumran caves.

In total, 981 manuscripts were found during the entire period of the study of the Qumran caves. In particular, the mysterious “Copper Scroll” was found in the Qumran caves. Unlike others, it was not made of parchment, but of an alloy of copper and tin. In 1955 the scroll was translated. Its text does not contain scriptures, but lists places where various kinds of artifacts and valuables are hidden. 

According to the scroll, about four thousand centners of gold and silver were hidden in different places (gold – 1280 talents, gold and silver (without differentiation) – 3282 talents, gold bars – 65, jugs with silver – 608, gold and silver vessels – 619).

According to the official version, these untold riches were not found.

The manuscript was created by the Essenes in 50-100 AD and was found in cave No. 3 of Qumran on March 20, 1953.
The manuscript was created by the Essenes in 50-100 AD and was found in cave No. 3 of Qumran on March 20, 1953.

Also among the Qumran manuscripts was found the “Book of Enoch”, it is represented by 25 scrolls. The text of this book was unknown to Europe until the 18th century, when the traveler Bruce discovered the Ethiopian Bible.

The Book of Enoch is an apocrypha of the Old Testament. There is also a reference to Enoch (the son of Cain) in the book of the New Testament, The Epistle of Jude (1:14).

The content of the Book of Enoch differs from the usual interpretations of the Tanakh and the Bible.

"Book of Enoch"
“Book of Enoch”.

The first book (presumably III BC) tells how 200 angels descended to earth and took the daughters of men as wives. Angels taught their wives magic and spells. Giants were born to angels and their wives.

14. And Azazel taught the people to make swords, and knives, and shields, and armor, and taught them to see what was behind them, and taught them the arts: wrists, and articles of adornment, and the use of white and rouge, and the adornment of eyebrows, and the adornment of the most precious and most excellent stones, and all kinds of colored materials and metals of the earth.

15. And great wickedness appeared, and many indecent things, and the people sinned, and all their ways were perverted.

16. Amezarak taught all sorts of spells and cutting roots, Armaros – the dissolution of spells, Barakal – observation of the stars, Kokabel – signs; and Temel taught the observation of the stars, and Astradel taught the motion of the moon.

The book then proceeds to a presentation that is somewhat reminiscent of the Divine Comedy by Dante Alighieri, written from 1308 to 1321.

The Divine Comedy Illustrated by Botticelli is a manuscript of Dante's Divine Comedy, illustrated with 92 full-page paintings by Sandro Botticelli, which are considered masterpieces and one of the best works of the Renaissance artist.  The manuscript eventually disappeared, and most of it was rediscovered at the end of the nineteenth century, having been discovered in the collection of the Duke of Hamilton by Gustav Friedrich Waagen, and several other pages were found in the Vatican library.  Botticelli had previously created drawings, now lost, to be made into engravings for a printed edition, although only the first nineteen of the hundred songs were illustrated.
The Divine Comedy Illustrated by Botticelli is a manuscript of Dante’s Divine Comedy, illustrated with 92 full-page paintings by Sandro Botticelli, which are considered masterpieces and one of the best works of the Renaissance artist. The manuscript eventually disappeared, and most of it was rediscovered at the end of the nineteenth century, having been discovered in the collection of the Duke of Hamilton by Gustav Friedrich Waagen, and several other pages were found in the Vatican library. Botticelli had previously created drawings, now lost, to be made into engravings for a printed edition, although only the first nineteen of the hundred songs were illustrated.

1. And they (the angels) carried me away to one place where there were figures like a blazing fire, and when they wanted to, they appeared to be people.

6. And I saw all the great rivers, and came to the great darkness, and came to where all mortals walk.

10. And I saw the cornerstone of the earth, and I saw the four winds that carry the earth and the foundation of the sky.

19. And over that cleft I saw one place, which had neither the heavenly firmament above it, nor the earthly foundation below it; there was no water or birds on it, but it was an empty place.

26. And only I, Enoch, beheld the limits of everything, and no man saw them as I saw them.

28. And I went around to one place where there was no thing.

The Book of Enoch is steeped in mysticism and hidden allegories. According to the style of presentation, it resembles “Ecclesiastes” (probably written in the 5th-3rd centuries BC), which is out of the general outline of the Tanakh and the Old Testament.

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The second book of Enoch is called “Slavonic”, as it has been preserved only in Slavonic Church. The Slavonic Book of Enoch, or “The Book of the Ascension of the Righteous Enoch”, is known in the lists of Russian, Serbian, Moldavian and Bulgarian origins of the late 15th – early 18th centuries. The book describes an apocryphal cosmogony, including Enoch’s visit to the seven heavens and his encounter with God.

Apocrypha (from other Greek-5

The Third Book of Enoch is a mystical text of eschatological content dating back to the 5th or 4th century AD. e., performed in Hebrew, with fragments in Aramaic, Greek and Latin. The text is composed as a message from Rabbi Ishmael ben Elisha about his conversation with the angel Metatron. It is considered one of the pearls of Jewish mystical thought, one of the bridges between early Jewish esotericism and the medieval mysticism of German Hasidism.

The Codex Chakos is an ancient Egyptian papyrus in Coptic containing early Christian Gnostic texts dating from around the 3rd century AD.  The codex was found in the Egyptian city of El Minya in the 1970s, was kept by different owners and passed from hand to hand.  The owners of the manuscript had no experience with such artifacts.  So, one of the owners kept the papyrus in a bank deposit box, the other froze the artifact, which led to damage to the document and scattering of some fragments into dust.  Pages 1-9 - "Epistle of Peter to Philip";  pages 10-30 - "James", or "The First Apocalypse from James";  pages 33-58 - "The Gospel of Judas";  pages 59-66 - a fragment from the "Book of Allogenes (Foreigner)".
The Codex Chakos is an ancient Egyptian papyrus in Coptic containing early Christian Gnostic texts dating from around the 3rd century AD. The codex was found in the Egyptian city of El Minya in the 1970s, was kept by different owners and passed from hand to hand. The owners of the manuscript had no experience with such artifacts. So, one of the owners kept the papyrus in a bank deposit box, the other froze the artifact, which led to damage to the document and scattering of some fragments into dust. Pages 1-9 – “Epistle of Peter to Philip”; pages 10-30 – “James”, or “The First Apocalypse from James”; pages 33-58 – “The Gospel of Judas”; pages 59-66 – a fragment from the “Book of Allogenes (Foreigner)”.

In the mass perception of religions, there are many misconceptions that are formed by canonical texts. For centuries, religion has been used as a means of manipulation, so the stereotypical idea of ​​world religions today does not allow us to conclude that in reality the scriptures are an ancient and deep human search for the spiritual basis of their existence. Differences in form, in names, in rituals should not create obstacles between people of different faiths.

The Apocrypha is a message from antiquity, which should expand the consciousness of modern man and give him a platform for a new worldview, where God and the idea of ​​him are not a bone of contention, but personifies a person’s constant search for answers to the eternal questions of his being.


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