Raven Rock is a secret base located on a mountain in Pennsylvania. For many years it was called “Pentagon 2”, due to its grandioze size. However, it is better known as the “day of crisis” Secret Base.
At 30 square kilometers, the secret Doomsday base has always been known to investigators. It is believed to be the place where elite, government officials and senior military officials will take refuge when a catastrophic event occurs.
Doomsday’s secret base and what is known about it
These facilities have been in operation since the 1950s.
During the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989, many government officials recommended the closure of Raven Rock indefinitely. One of the ministers stated that the base was ancient and outdated. This prompted HW Bush to order a full closure in 1991. However, on the second anniversary of the attack on September 11, 2001, the US (?) Government decided to give $ 652 million to improve it.
Although there is a lot of speculation after that incident, a new book has once again revealed the Pandora’s box for the secret Doomsday base and other underground shelters.
Garrett M. Graff, editor-in-chief of Washingtonian Magazine, was in charge. In 2011, a staff member gave him a government ID in his parking lot.
The card had a set of instructions that guided the cardholder to specific coordinates in the event of an emergency evacuation. When searching for coordinates on Google Maps, Graff said they led to a path on the side of a mountain. The large concrete doors are clearly visible in Google satellite view.
In a short time, it was discovered that what was observed through the satellites was Raven Rock.
Looking deeper into what is happening on this basis, he used recently declassified documents to investigate his history and that of other war shelters scattered throughout the United States.
These records also revealed America’s strategy in the event of a nuclear attack, and he wrote a book about it all entitled “Raven Rock: The Story of the U.S. Government’s Secret Plan to Save Itself–While the Rest of Us Die”.
Graff revealed that the basement is multi-storey. It has 153 sorted rooms, includes a huge power plant, medical clinic, offices, dentists, 400-seat cafeteria, laundry facilities, 3 water tanks 25,000 gallons, and another 3 fuel tanks 14,000 gallons.
It also has communication for incoming and outgoing messages. It currently has about 3,000 to 5,000 civil servants.
Employee families are barred from entering the Doomsday Secret Base. However, in recent years these restrictions have been lifted and employees’ family members can attend certain ceremonies.
The Pentagon’s predictions are that we are on the brink of a nuclear war, it seems that the Doomsday Secret Base could be used for the select few.