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Prophecies concerning three days of darkness are not mere fantasy; they represent an immediate reality for some believers

Prophecies concerning three days of darkness are not mere fantasy; they represent an immediate reality for some believers 1

Many spiritual teachers, believed to come from higher realms, impart knowledge to us. Unfortunately, people often dismiss their messages as science fiction or fairy tales. However, when seers and clairvoyants, both past and present, broadcast similar information, it prompts us to consider the significance of their persistent messages.

Prophecies of three days of darkness have been long-standing. Holy elders, reputedly endowed with divine insight, have also spoken of these events. Perhaps it is time to pay attention to these warnings, as time may be running short.

Sooner or later, but it will happen

This event could occur at any time, though it might not happen within our lifetimes, but perhaps during the lifetimes of our children or grandchildren. There is no specific date, as you might realize. However, there are certain indicators that can be used to gauge the proximity of the anticipated three days of darkness.

This is all closely linked to the infamous Transition, a quantum leap that humanity will, inevitably, experience. The ensuing darkness is a result of this Transition.

Our galaxy is vast, with the solar system situated on the fringe of the Orion arm. At the galaxy’s core lie millions of planets capable of supporting life in various forms. For our solar system to integrate into the galactic community, a quantum leap is necessary, and humans must elevate their consciousness to match that of advanced civilizations.

Humanity is primed for this leap; what remains is the Transition into the galactic fold. This Transition should first occur in consciousness and subsequently in physical form.

Transition Markers

At the heart of the Milky Way galaxy lies a supermassive black hole, not a Central Sun. This black hole, known as Sagittarius A, possesses such immense gravitational energy that it appears dark. The recent increase in solar flares, which we experience as bursts of solar energy, is a result of heightened solar activity, not the influence of the galactic center.

Many spiritual teachers come from higher realms to impart knowledge to us. It’s just a pity that people don’t want to hear, it all seems to them like science fiction and fairy tales.-3

The Sun gathers energy and prepares for a Transition. This leap is not just for the Sun, but for our entire solar system. Due to the energies from the Central Sun, our vibrations rise, the frequency shifts, and even the Earth itself undergoes change.

To prepare for the Transition, Earth undergoes a series of changes, the effects of which manifest as earthquakes, hurricanes, floods, and other natural disasters. While other planets are already primed for renewal, our planet lags behind, primarily due to humanity’s reluctance to shift its consciousness.

The Transition will commence with global warming, followed by global cooling. The upheaval of natural elements marks the beginning of the Transition, and global warming has long been a topic of discussion, serving as the second indicator.

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This Transition is not unique in Earth’s history. Consider the dinosaurs, which perished almost instantly, or more accurately, succumbed to a sudden drop in temperature.

How is the Transition going?

Many spiritual teachers come from higher realms to impart knowledge to us. It’s just a pity that people don’t want to hear, it all seems to them like science fiction and fairy tales.-4

The “three days of darkness” refer to Earth’s entry into the photon belt encircling our Solar System during the Transition. The photon belt consists of a dense cluster of high-frequency light particles so thick they obscure the Sun’s light.

A low frequency would prevent us from traversing the photon belt, explaining the significant rise in vibrations.

The journey through the photon belt is expected to result in three days of complete darkness, signaling Earth’s physical shift and ascension into the fourth dimension. While many claim we are already in 4D, this is not the case; many have reached this level in consciousness, but not yet in physical form. These individuals are prepared for the Transition.

The “three days” will span approximately 7-10 days, with darkness descending and lifting gradually. As Earth approaches the photon belt, a widespread, unexplained sense of anxiety and panic will affect all, marking another sign of the Transition – collective anxiety.

All our fears will be expelled from the depths of human consciousness, as these are low-vibration energies that hinder the Transition. The Earth’s physical shift will be tangible; a rumble and grinding noise will be heard. For the first 12 hours, the experience will resemble a rocket launch into space – the engine’s hum, shaking, vibrations, and overloads. Like astronauts, we will simply await further developments.

Subsequently, a swift darkening and temperature drop will ensue, and people will experience sensations akin to those of dinosaurs. For the following two days, darkness and cold will prevail – the sun’s rays will fail to warm our planet, as we will have already entered the photon belt.

Individuals may experience cold more internally than externally as a shift from protein-based physical bodies to lighter forms begins. Concurrently, new abilities may emerge, and connections between humans and non-carbon-based life forms might be established.

On the third day, as Earth fully enters the photon belt, the transition to the fourth dimension will commence, marked by the well-known three days of darkness. During this period, it will be extremely dark, and the conventional three-dimensional perception of linear time will cease to apply.

Many spiritual teachers come from higher realms to impart knowledge to us. It’s just a pity that people don’t want to hear, everything seems to them like it’s science fiction and fairy tales.-6

In these days of darkness, individuals will become immobilized and experience a vibrational shift, preparing their bodies for an altered form of nutrition and respiration. Metabolism will decelerate to a point where sensations of extreme cold, hunger, or other necessities will not be felt, resulting in complete stasis.

After an additional two or three days, the darkness will start to clear, and we will transition into a new world, a new realm.

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