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Apocalypse & Armageddon

Predictions for 2022: will there be a war with the “Eastern power”? Are we going to the metaverse? Will there be enough money for food?

Predictions for 2022: will there be a war with the "Eastern power"? Are we going to the metaverse? Will there be enough money for food? 1

Very near Auch, Lectoure and Mirande a great fire will fall from the sky for three nights. The cause will appear both stupefying and marvelous; shortly afterwards there will be an earthquake”. This is what the 46th quatrain of Michel de Nostradame says, which some researchers, and even more often astrologers and journalists associate with 2022.

What kind of fire will fall on the southern French towns, no one knows for sure as no one is sure that the fire is predicted for 2022. But researchers and admirers of the work of the legendary alchemist are conducting complex numerological calculations in order to inform the public that an unprecedented astronomical catastrophe will befall the Earth next year. 

Others, however, argue that the “stupefying and marvelous” event, from which the Earth will tremble, is not a piece of ice or stone from the cosmic abyss, but just a big war with an Eastern power.

It is also believed that France may get involved into this war. Experts came to the conclusion that the event described by Nostradamus should take place in the spring of next year.

“Admittedly, the outlook is vague and could hint at the outbreak of a new world war or the qualification of the French national team for the 2022 FIFA World Cup in Qatar,” reporters told the Daily Express.

Perhaps the French national football team will indeed go to the World Cup and play there with a team from the east. However, it is difficult to believe that Nostradamus had in mind exactly this event.

War with the “Eastern power” in 2022

The third world war, with reference to the quatrains of Nostradamus, was prophesied a year as well as two, and three years ago too. But this, of course, does not mean that there will never be a war at all. Military spending in the world has grown almost continuously since 2000, according to the authors of the report from the Stockholm International Peace Institute. Moreover, the rate of this growth tends to increase. In 2020, the planet’s military budget grew by a record 10% (up to 2.4% of global GDP). There is no data for 2021 yet, but the growth is definitely continuing. 

Two-thirds of the $ 2 trillion of all military spending goes to the five great powers: the United States, China, India, Russia and the United Kingdom. Their governments do not forget to lubricate and reload the gun hanging on the wall, so it can very much even go off one day.

In 2021, we experienced two pre-war spasms. First in spring, when videos with trains transporting tanks to the Ukrainian border multiplied on the Internet, and more recently, at the turn of November-December. Politicians and the media do not skimp on alarmist forecasts. 

“Russia will attack Ukraine by the end of January 2022,” The Military Times writes. Joe Biden is seriously discussing how America should react in such a case. Provide direct military assistance to Kiev with the risk of being drawn into a direct conflict with a nuclear power? Or just introduce “hellish sanctions”? 

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So far, only sanctions have been promised, disconnection from SWIFT, a ban on hydrocarbon trade and the import of iPhones into Russia.

In response, the Russian Foreign Ministry published draft agreements with NATO and the United States on mutual security guarantees. They look like an ultimatum. In accordance with this “wishlist”, NATO should promise in writing never to expand to the East, not to conduct any military activities in Ukraine, in Eastern Europe and the Transcaucasia, and to withdraw its missiles and other weapons to where they were before 1997. 

For the first time, pre-war tensions eased after the June meeting of two the two presidents in Geneva. In early December, they again spoke via video link, but the former grace was gone. Perhaps they will have time to talk again before the New Year and God forbid, talk is better than war.

It is unlikely that the Russian elite wants a big war. A ‘jump to Ukraine’ would mean a jump into the abyss, and for no reason at all. Most likely, this is understood by the majority of officials, diplomats and politicians on both sides of the (so far) non-existent front. 

But this rational reluctance to fight is, unfortunately, an unreliable fuse. Writer and historian Barbara Tuckman wrote about the outbreak of the First World War, a war “no one wanted but inevitable.” 

History doesn’t have to repeat itself but the vague poetic quatrains of Nostradamus about the war sound very alarming in the current atmosphere. The “stupefying and marvelous” can happen – and everything else depends on it, from property prices to your summer plans.

Great plague

Quatrain 2:53 Nostradamus has been considered until now one of the most reliable. The admirers of the great alchemist were sure that their idol had predicted the great London plague of 1665 for a hundred years:

“The great plague in the seaside city will not end until the death and blood of a righteous man, condemned without crime, is avenged. And a noble lady, offended by pretense.”

The righteous man, whose blood “must be avenged,” was, of course, King Charles I, beheaded in 1649, and his wife, who was exiled to France with her children, was a noble lady. But lately more and more journalists and forecasters are inclined to think that this quatrain is not about London and the plague, but about the entire global world system (“seaside city”) and the coronavirus. 

People argue about whose blood needs to be avenged for this nightmare to finally end.

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“2022 must be the year of the end of the pandemic,” the head of the World Health Organization (WHO), Tedros Adan Ghebreyesus said. However, he warned that the new omicron strain of this virus is spreading much faster than the previous ones. Indeed, the increase in the incidence rate in the world, which began at the end of October, accelerated sharply in December (over the last pre-New Year’s week, the number of people infected increased by 15%). 

The decline of the previous wave, which began in mid-November, continues. However, after the New Year, we most likely cannot avoid another, the fifth wave of this endless epidemic.

The question is whether it will be the last one. World statistics so far indicate that against the background of a rapid rise in morbidity, overall mortality from coronavirus remains at the same level or even decreases slightly (-7% in the last week of the year).

Most likely, the coronavirus will not go anywhere, it will only change. We hope the omicron will be lighter than the delta, with less severe cases. But there is no guarantee that a new, more severe strain will not come after the omicron. Coronavirus could stay with us for a long time or forever as a flu alternative, only worse. 

A gradual evolutionary mitigation of the coronavirus to the level of influenza can only be hoped for by 2030. There is also a bad scenario: the virus will learn to avoid vaccines, will retain the infectiousness of the omicron, but will become angrier. Then the “great plague” will not stop not only in the “seaside city”, but also in the depths of the continent.

If the pandemic develops in 2022 according to a pessimistic scenario, it will again return to the agenda the issues of compulsion to vaccinate and control the movement of citizens. This will inevitably generate resistance.

All over the world, everyone is very much afraid of a new totalitarianism. After all, it is really possible to get closer to much finer control over a person through digitalization.

The desire of the state to take control of the epidemic through control over the population, and not through increasing trust in relations with society, is fraught with an acute conflict in which the fall in the ratings of those in power will be the least casualty. On the other hand, there is an argument that if the authorities decide not to anger the people and let the epidemic take its course, then excess mortality will put an end to hopes for a return to normalcy, including economic growth.

Daily bread

“So much will be a barrel of wheat, that people will become cannibals,” Nostradamus wrote in 1555 (1:75). 

Countless times this passage has been used to indicate another crisis, crop failure and high cost. It is possible that they will tie it to 2022. In any case, experts speak of a deterioration in the material situation of the majority of people.

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In the first months of 2022, the consumer market will fully experience the shift of consumer groups from high and medium price segments to lower ones, especially in the food market. High consumer inflation in 2021, depletion of savings in part of the middle class and other factors will affect. 

In the fall of 2021, UN World Food Program Executive Director David Beasley announced that 42 million people in 43 countries are on the verge of starvation. Another 270 million people will face food shortages. 

One in three people (2.4 billion) on the planet is malnourished, that is, lacks essential nutrients for health. 

Beasley said that $ 6.6 billion could save the hungry, which is only 2% of Elon Musk’s wealth. The billionaire responded to this statement by tweeting that he is ready to sell Tesla shares for the required amount and give the money to the UN food agency, if the organization explains to him exactly how this will solve the problem. 

While officials and billionaires continue to argue, it is clear that even this money cannot solve the problem strategically.

The population of the Earth continues to grow, almost all the available cropland is already occupied by agriculture, and the soils are experiencing accelerating erosion. 

The number of hungry people in the world has been growing since the mid-2010s. And if in the most vulnerable countries like Haiti, Afghanistan and sub-Saharan Africa this causes wars and mass starvation, then in the rest of the world the spiral of food inflation is just unfolding. 

Manufacturers and wholesalers are guided by world prices, and no amount of government admonitions about patriotism can keep them from raising prices.

Immortal sage in a sea of ​​fire

The thirty-first quatrain of the Fourth Century of Nostradamus is often interpreted as a prediction of the triumph of artificial intelligence, or even as a prophecy of a war between humans and machines. 

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“The moon will rise over the hill in the middle of the night, the Sage will see it with his mind’s eye. Disciples will summon an immortal creature, eyes – to the south, chest, arms, everything is on fire”.

The frightening outlines of the immortal and all-seeing impassive “sage” are already visible behind Big Data, which is collected by intelligence agencies, banks, social networks and retailers in order to know everything about each of us, and behind the “digital concentration camp” in which every step of a person is controlled by the “Big brother.

All this, of course, will continue to develop in 2022. But the technology of the next year has all the chances to become a “metaverse”.

This is something like “The Matrix” – not without reason the fourth film of this legendary franchise was released in December. The metaverse is when the virtual space finally becomes three-dimensional and captures everything around. You no longer glue new wallpapers, but simply install a screensaver with any interior; the choice between working in the office and telecommuting is mediated by a virtual office in which all employees are online, but they do not need to leave home for this. 

The metaverse integrates the Internet of Things, and you can use goods and devices that are physically far from you (which means that you are unlikely to buy them, except perhaps a subscription to use). Bill Gates claims that in 2022–2023, most of the meetings and conferences will no longer be attended by people themselves, but by their three-dimensional avatars. Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg has already renamed Facebook Meta to better suit its new mission of serving as a virtual social space.

Technologically speaking, the path to this “matrix” has already been cleared. The pandemic has spurred the expansion of remote employment and 5G networks create the fast Internet necessary for such loads. There will be no business for money: it is expected that by 2024 investors from all over the world will invest up to $ 800 billion in the “heiress of the Internet”. 

As a result, the metaverse will become part of a completely material economy, filled with marketplaces of virtual materials, components and services. And as soon as reality penetrates into the metaverse, it will immediately be struck by the usual problems with the high cost of wheat and the resulting hunger.

One of the problems of the real world can be significantly aggravated by the metaverse, so we will notice it already in 2022. The virtual world will consume a lot of quite ordinary energy and the energy is just not enough. The gas price on the London Stock Exchange in December broke through the psychological mark of $ 2,000. 

Two feelings – uncertainty about the future and fear – determine the reaction of society to the consequences of the pandemic. Among the typical reactions are irrationalism, irritation, hypochondria. Such irrational behavior was common before, but it became widespread during the pandemic.

On this wave, the popularity of apocalyptic images from the dark quatrains of Nostradamus is also growing. The “stupefying and marvelous” event seems almost inevitable. But humanity has gone through more than one crisis and every time it survived. We will turn out this time too. Moreover, life goes on. 

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