Russian researcher Valentin Degterev recently discovered images on Google Earth of what could be a flying saucer poking out of the ice in Antarctica. It appears to be about 600 meters long and no less than 100 meters high. He first noticed it in a 1997 image, but the most recent images show a more pronounced artifact while the ice and snow melted. Now it seems that this is clearly an object created by man and very old, perhaps hundreds of thousands of years, says Degterev.
Degterev’s attempts to bring this to the attention of world leaders and international scholars have fallen on deaf ears. “They don’t believe in miracles, such like a UFO.” Degterev believes that these discoveries have been made possible for two reasons: improved appearance of mapping services like Google Maps or Google Earth and rapid melting of the ice in Antarctica. (see the video at 7:44 minutes of the Google Earth satellite images below)
The Russian researcher was interested in the mysterious case of the Dyatlov Pass and the mysteries surrounding Antarctica. Recently, Valentin Degterev has published a new discovery on his video channel: he has found images of a mysterious object on Google Earth, an object that resembles a flying saucer of alien origin. The researcher noted this unusual structure also in the 1997 pictures, but then it was quite clear that the artifact could be a slightly thawed rock. Now, when the ice from the object has dropped further for thawing, you can determine what it is.
First of all, it is clearly an artificial object, probably a precipitated alien ship. Secondly, a very ancient artifact, perhaps hundreds of thousands of years old and even millions.
“To be able to equip an expedition to recover a flying saucer” sighs Valentine dreamily, “… no private company is unable to recover this apparatus from under the ice, which, apparently, is about 600 meters long and not less than 100 meters high ”. And nobody will let him do it. This unique international project could be a recovery action for which humanity could acquire alien technology, and more … But most likely the United States, Russia and China, already possess extraterrestrial aircraft found in the Antarctic or recovered in UFO Crashes.