South Philadelphia. Credit: Wikimedia Commons
A Pennsylvania witness at Philadelphia reported watching a hovering orb that eventually flew away, according to testimony in Case 95886 from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.
The witness was in South Philadelphia at 11 p.m. on October 26, 2018.
“I was holding my three-month-old son and looking out my north facing third floor windows,” the witness stated. “There is an airport nearby and I see loads of helicopters and drones, but this was different than anything I have seen in the seven years that I have lived here.”
The witness said he sees many objects from the master bedroom window on the third floor.
“I have five windows that face north, south, and west and I have no curtains since I like to see the city views. What I saw was a large, bright red, glowing orb about 11-30 feet in diameter that hovered erratically and changed colors every 30 to 60 seconds. It changed from completely red to completely green then completely blue. It was red most of the time and I don’t think it was a sequential pattern I believe it was random because I saw more red and green than blue.”
The witness said the orb was flying east, and then it would hover and stay completely still.
“It then changed direction and flew west very quickly and disappeared. The total viewing was about five minutes. I’ve scoured the news and have seen no other accounts of this which is perplexing because there should be multiple witnesses. South Philly is a busy area on a Friday night because of the cheesesteak places that tourists line up at. I’m hoping someone else out there saw this as well.”
MUFON Pennsylvania Field Investigator William Morse closed this case as an Unknown-Other.
Source: MUFON