A human being is a distinctive entity capable of existing simultaneously in both the material and spiritual realms. The physical world is accessible to...
Guénon refrains from passing judgment on the association of the Yazidis with devil worship or the character of Melek Taus. Nonetheless, he recognizes the...
Putting something into words doesn’t just mean labelling known circumstances: Words, when used creatively, can literally bring something new into existence and into being....
The Vatican church, or the Roman Catholic church, has a long history of corruption and deception. Aside from literally committing acts of outright genocide...
Howard Philips Lovecraft conducted along different novelasreferencias a book that recounted contained magic formulas for invoking the supernatural, in addition to hinting a particular...
Starry Eyes is a horror movie about a struggling actress getting mixed up with the Hollywood elite. Through the metamorphosis of the main character,...
VeteransToday just released a story they got from Anonymous that will literally rock the planet. For the first time in history Anonymous has thrown down the gauntlet and...
by Katrina Sisowath, Author of the Dragon Court series Ancient Origins Thoth Hermes Trismegistus is portrayed by the Egyptians as the moon god with the...