A human being is a distinctive entity capable of existing simultaneously in both the material and spiritual realms. The physical world is accessible to...
Guénon refrains from passing judgment on the association of the Yazidis with devil worship or the character of Melek Taus. Nonetheless, he recognizes the...
Great White Brotherhood: a mythical extraterrestrial society that would inhabit an underground kingdom of ancient origin and of mysterious nature, different from the surface....
This manuscript book called Kolbrin, speaks of the long forgotten or unknown events of the past, even before our written history. The Kolbrin Bible,...
Every year, October 31 becomes the most terrifying night of the year, Halloween, which gives way to All Saints’ Day, when deceased relatives are remembered....
In the new web series Grave Hunter, macabre history aficionado Malia Miglino goes graveside to dig up forgotten stories before they’re gone. Malia Miglino,...
Image Credit: CC BY 2.0 Manuel Quintero Making horror movies can be a dangerous business… Tragic deaths, strange coincidences and unnerving experiences surrounded these...
For centuries, families who live on homesteads, farms, and ranches would experience, in certain parts of the world, droughts. Crops began to fail and...
The Talking Board Historical Society set the new world record for the largest ouija board with the 9,000-pound OuijaZilla. The Schreck family with OuijaZilla,...