A grotesque creature perched atop a massive dragon, furiously lashing its tail. His followers lay prostrate before him, performing enigmatic rituals. The sovereign was...
“Amelia’s Children” is a Portuguese mystical horror film inspired by Goya’s paintings, the myths of Oedipus, and Bram Stoker’s “Dracula.” The plot centers around...
The renowned Swedish playwright August Strindberg frequently attempted to produce gold in his personal laboratory. The author of “The defence of a madman” drew...
The opening ceremony of the 2024 Olympics has garnered significant attention for its portrayal of Leonardo Da Vinci’s “The Last Supper,” which some have...
Nowadays, there are many books that somehow resonate with each other and contain a description of interaction with the entities of Chaos, supposedly living...
Anenerbe. The existence of this strictly classified organization, created with the personal participation of Adolf Hitler almost a hundred years ago, is the subject of...
Unfortunately, it is natural in humans to attack and try to control, dominate or domesticate what we do not understand. For many centuries, attempts...
Mystical knowledge originates in ancient times. Esoteric tradition speaks of the existence, from the time of Atlantis, of occult centers that controlled people and...
Grimoires that ensure power to invoke angels and domains. One of them named “Solomon’s Minor Key” or “Lemegeton”, which provides instructions to invoke these...
Mariah Carey engaged in child sex rituals and animal sacrifices conducted by a satanic cult, according to her estranged sister. According to her sister, Alison...
Even if the dark and infinite ocean of non-physical reality escapes any attempt at mapping, the Qliphoth offer esoteric landmarks to those who venture...
Great White Brotherhood: a mythical extraterrestrial society that would inhabit an underground kingdom of ancient origin and of mysterious nature, different from the surface....