A grotesque creature perched atop a massive dragon, furiously lashing its tail. His followers lay prostrate before him, performing enigmatic rituals. The sovereign was...
“Amelia’s Children” is a Portuguese mystical horror film inspired by Goya’s paintings, the myths of Oedipus, and Bram Stoker’s “Dracula.” The plot centers around...
The renowned Swedish playwright August Strindberg frequently attempted to produce gold in his personal laboratory. The author of “The defence of a madman” drew...
The opening ceremony of the 2024 Olympics has garnered significant attention for its portrayal of Leonardo Da Vinci’s “The Last Supper,” which some have...
Almost 70% of French youth aged 18 to 24 believe in astrology, numerology, palmistry, clairvoyance and cartomancy. This is evidenced by data from the...
In the Polish city of Bochnia, archaeologists unearthed the charred remains of two women. The discovery was made during restoration work in the local market....
Many castles have survived in Europe, which to modern people seem incredibly beautiful and majestic. Their main purpose was to deter enemies if necessary....
This week, foolishly, apparently, one author claimed to have recorded the real voice of Satan. To promote the new book, Christian author Roderick Millington...
American film actor Mel Gibson criticizes both Hollywood and the morals of the American establishment – tough and unusual. Essentially, he blames a significant...
Anyone can become a priest of the church. In Phoenix, Arizona, the First United Church of Cthulhu appeared – a registered non-profit religious organization...