Guénon refrains from passing judgment on the association of the Yazidis with devil worship or the character of Melek Taus. Nonetheless, he recognizes the...
A grotesque creature perched atop a massive dragon, furiously lashing its tail. His followers lay prostrate before him, performing enigmatic rituals. The sovereign was...
“Amelia’s Children” is a Portuguese mystical horror film inspired by Goya’s paintings, the myths of Oedipus, and Bram Stoker’s “Dracula.” The plot centers around...
The renowned Swedish playwright August Strindberg frequently attempted to produce gold in his personal laboratory. The author of “The defence of a madman” drew...
Occultism is a broad term that encompasses many different practices and beliefs related to mystical and magical powers. The history of the occult goes back...
The US Federal Court has officially allowed students to attend extracurricular activities of the church of satan, initiating student children in Satanic invocation ceremonies....
Hundreds of members of The Satanic Temple gathered in Boston this weekend for SatanCon, the largest Satanic gathering in history. Visitors tore up the...
In 1307 the Knights Templar were accused of idolatry as they worshiped, according to court documents, the mysterious head of Baphomet. According to the court...
For the first time, media network “i24” published images from the meeting of the largest gathering of Masonic Lodges in Haifa, Israel. Freemasonry is Occultism...
The Grimoire of Armadel is a small Grimoire of the 17th century, the original manuscript is kept in the Bibliothèque de l’Arsenal in Paris. Armadel was translated into...
As Baron John Maynard Keynes noted more than a hundred years ago, demand creates supply. Therefore, if many people are terribly interested in the topic...
The deadly curse of “Pulsa Denura” which has been directed against at least three Israeli Prime Ministers in the pastsaid Ukrainian Jewish oligarch Hennadiy...
The Chupacabra is known throughout Latin America as a vicious and elusive creature, but scandalous publications from Puerto Rico have associated this entity with...