Guénon refrains from passing judgment on the association of the Yazidis with devil worship or the character of Melek Taus. Nonetheless, he recognizes the...
A grotesque creature perched atop a massive dragon, furiously lashing its tail. His followers lay prostrate before him, performing enigmatic rituals. The sovereign was...
“Amelia’s Children” is a Portuguese mystical horror film inspired by Goya’s paintings, the myths of Oedipus, and Bram Stoker’s “Dracula.” The plot centers around...
The History of the Devil is wickedly good, informative and concise. A no-frills Welsh film produced in association with SBS Australia and distributed by...
Everybody’s favorite adult humor cartoon segment on Cartoon Network, better known as Adult Swim, seems to be showing a recurring pattern of occult-like symbolism...