One of the users of Google Earth examined in the images a huge “ice ship”, which lies not far from the coast of Antarctica. The huge ice structure south of New Zealand strikingly resembles a cruise ship with a row of windows and many chimneys.
The “ice ship” was noticed by a video blogger registered on YouTube under the nickname MrMBB333, who describes himself as the guardian of the Earth.
“I follow [on Google Earth] everything from the seabed to space and everything in between,” MrMBB333 says about himself.
In one of his latest videos, the author highlighted the part of the snow-covered Antarctica, in which, in his opinion, he found the ship. According to him, the vessel is about 130 meters long.
If you do not look closely, then we can assume that this is a huge iceberg, but if you examine the find in more detail, then there is absolutely no doubt that this is a real ship that was built on purpose.
Users in the comments under the video, which MrMBB333 posted on his channel on August 7, continue to argue where such a large ship could have come from in Antarctica. One user suggested that the ship was built a few years ago to save rich people in the event of the end of the world. Others leaned towards the shipwreck version. Another part believed that the YouTuber managed to find the mysterious Noah’s Ark. Also, the widespread version was that the ship had some direct relation to a secret Nazi military base.
At the moment there is no information about what kind of ship it actually is. In order to lift it off the ice and transport it for further study, it will take a lot of resources, and it is not possible to do this now.
Earlier in the same video, MrMBB333 shows another piece of ice in Antarctica, which he claims has wall marks and parking spaces. In the comments to the video, users either jokingly or seriously build conspiracy theories about the origin of the ship.
Various versions are being put forward: from a secret Nazi base to traces of an ancient civilization.