Most people are aware of a brainwashing operation funded by the US CIA and British MI6 called Project MK Ultra, which was launched in 1953. However, few people realize the connection between the MK Ultra and the global UFO craze that gained momentum during the Cold War.
Although UFO research has been funded by the governments of the United States and Great Britain since 1947, it was initially conducted separately, under the Project Sign (1947) and Project Grudge (1949) programs.
Only in 1950, in both countries, were established official departments, funded by taxpayers, to carry out scientific research on topics related, in one way or another, to unidentified flying objects.
This research took the form of Project Blue Book (1952), which in turn was modeled after the 1950 British “Flying Saucer Working Group” led by Sir Henry Tizard, Chief Research Officer of the Department of Defense and Chairman of the Defense Research Committee of the British Parliament. …
In her book The Shock Doctrine, journalist Naomi Klein writes that Tizard played a leading role in the creation and financing of the MK Ultra project during a high-level meeting in Montreal. A Wikipedia article on Tizard reads:
“One of the most controversial meetings he had to attend as chairman of the national defense research committee took place, as it turned out many years later, when a number of CIA documents were declassified, on June 1, 1951 in the Ritz-Carlton in Montreal. It was attended by Tizard, Omond Solandt (Chairman of the Canadian Department of Defense Research and Development) and representatives of the CIA, and the main topic was the technology of manipulating public consciousness, or, more simply, brainwashing. “
It was this meeting in the Ritz-Carlton that laid the foundation for the MK Ultra project, which was developed not only for research in the field of brainwashing, but also in “related” fields of science: for example, within the framework of one of the directions, the drug LSD was created, and the other group dealt with the issue of cleaning the human mind to a state of blank slate with the obvious intention of then reconstructing consciousness from scratch.
As Naomi Klein eloquently shows in her book, the US and British authorities had intentions to use these discoveries on a national scale, that is, to arrange “shock therapy” for entire nations. It is about destroying cultures and purifying the historical memory of nations, depriving them of traditions, in order to further reconstruct public consciousness under the rule of post-national state formations with the ideology of post-truth, fit into a single liberal world order.
Although the MK Ultra program was funded and operated primarily by Americans, the operation has always been led by the Tavistock Clinic, a London-based mental health foundation.
It is quite possible to imagine that the very fact of the allocation of government funds for the research of flying saucers was enough to “legitimize” the existence of these saucers and their inhabitants, that is, aliens, in the mass consciousness of Europeans and Americans during the Cold War.
The military-industrial complex and the world of secret patents, secret weapons, secret research and development, which developed during this period at such closed facilities as Area-51 (a remote division of Edwards Air Force Base) in Nevada, made frequent cases of observation of unexplained celestial phenomena. civilians and even military pilots (not burdened with a nondisclosure agreement) are almost commonplace.
In her book, Uncensored Zone 51, published in 2012, journalist Annie Jacobson provided numerous details of the Cold War aerospace technology experiments and nuclear bomb tests that took place at Zone 51.
This is largely reminiscent of an earlier project in applied sociology with HG Wells’s War of the Worlds radio show in 1938, when millions of people were panicked following SBS’s “special alert” of an alien invasion. It made it possible to understand many of the laws of mass psychology, on which many specialists in the field of communicative manipulations had high hopes at that time.
In an interview with NPR, Jacobson stated, “The UFO craze began in the summer of 1947. A few months later, G2, which at the time was an Army Reconnaissance Corps, spent an enormous amount of time and money searching for two former aerospace designers from the Third Reich, Walter and Reimar Horten, who allegedly created a disk-shaped flying machine. US intelligence agents were sent out across Europe in search of the Horten brothers to find out if this information was true.”
During World War II, the Horten brothers collaborated with the Austrian scientist Viktor Schauberger, whose innovative projects in vacuum explosion-based flight technologies used the energy of water currents and electromagnetic waves to create aircraft capable of traveling at supersonic speeds.
While much of his research was confiscated and classified by the victorious countries after World War II, Schauberger was promised government sponsorship in America, and this prompted the inventor to cross the ocean, where the Canadian Avro Arrow program needed his projects for supersonic aircraft to deliver nuclear missiles.
When he finally realized that his work would be used exclusively for military purposes, Schauberger refused to cooperate, and within a few months all of his patents were effectively stolen. The researcher returned to Austria, where he suffered a severe mental breakdown, fell into depression and died in 1958. It was no secret to anyone that the post-1971 global world order, championed by Sir Henry Kissinger, David and Lawrence Rockefellers, and other Malthusians throughout the twentieth century, was initially aimed at a general, controlled collapse.
It was generally accepted that after the massive shock therapy that this collapse would allow on a global scale, it would be possible to destroy the Abrahamic traditions that ruled Western society for two millennia. and then, using the methods of applied sociology, to shape a new society. The greatly diminished humanity of this New World was to live like happy sheep under the rule of a hereditary elite class and under the supervision of their technocratic managers.
The only problem faced by the “social engineers” is the emergence of new genuine statesmen who do not want to sacrifice their peoples and their traditions, bringing them to the altar of a global cult. Such defenders of the best traditions of mankind have created a multipolar alliance and are pursuing a policy of long-term economic growth and scientific and technological progress, brilliantly embodied in the New Silk Road initiative, including its new Arctic direction.
China and Russia sign a bilateral pact on the joint development of the resources of the Moon and the “Artemis Agreement” initiated by NASA, providing for the further development of cooperation in the development of the resources of the Moon, and then Mars.
These agreements aim to usher humanity into an era of unrestricted growth, for which hope was lost as a result of the LSD-induced mass psychosis of 1968 in the form of the “live for today” paradigm, and can now finally be reborn.
Programs designed to focus humanity’s attention on real objective threats, such as the collision of the Earth with asteroids and new ice ages caused by a decrease in solar activity, are seriously discussed by the leaders of Russia, China and the United States.
There are billions of suns and possibly billions of galaxies in the universe. There is a possibility that life exists on many planets orbiting stars, and our universe is still forming. There is no reason to exclude the possibility of the existence of intelligent life on some planets.
The best way to find out is not to sit at home and watch the world economy collapse as a result of controlled disintegration, but to fight to revive the course of development of human civilization as an open system.
This course begins with a joint space program to expand the boundaries of human culture and economy, to include the Moon and Mars, and then other planets and cosmic bodies, followed by flights into deep space. If in fact other civilizations exist, it may be our duty to raise the torch left by John F. Kennedy and find them.