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NASA scientist admits that aliens have already visited Earth

NASA scientist admits that aliens have already visited Earth 1

For all we know, we are alone in the universe. Earth is the only planet inhabited by life, and human beings are the only intelligent beings. Of course, this is what scientists tell us, however, there are many who believe that there have already been contacts with beings from other worlds. There is Area 51, the base of the Air Force in Nevada, where the US government allegedly stores extraterrestrials in freezers. And there was a mysterious incident in Roswell, New Mexico, in 1947, and mutilated cows in Colorado.(aliens have already visited Earth)

Although it can be said that the idea that there could be other creatures in the universe has existed since, at least, the fifth century BC, when the Greek philosopher Democritus postulated “innumerable worlds of different sizes” , and not all were lifeless. Four hundred years later, the Roman poet Tito Lucrecio Caro wrote about “other worlds” with “different tribes of men and wild beasts”“.In the seventeenth century, the German astronomer Johannes Kepler wrote of a trip to the moon in which travelers encountered creatures resembling reptiles.(aliens have already visited Earth)

At the end of that century, the Dutch mathematician Christiaan Huygens wrote a book that speculated about the conditions of other planets and concluded that some of them had to harbor life. Pointing his telescope to Mars in 1894, the American astronomer Percival Lowell saw a network of what he thought were channels, structures so elaborate that they could only have been built by beings with intelligence.

And it would not just be stories and theories from the past, as some researchers are taking that possibility seriously and are tracking beyond our planet for evidence of extraterrestrials. But the last thing we would expect is for a NASA scientist to reveal that it is possible that we have already been visited by civilizations from other worlds.(aliens have already visited Earth)

Extremely intelligent super-small entities

In new research , Silvano P. Colombano, a professor and scientist working in NASA’s Division of Intelligent Systems, has revealed that extraterrestrial life may already have visited Earth . He also assures that it is possible that it is very different from what humanity is used to, the carbon-based organisms that are currently found on our planet, reports MailOnline .

“I simply want to point out the fact that the intelligence we could find and could choose to find us (if it has not already done so) may not be produced at all by carbon-based organisms like us,” Colombano wrote in a document.(aliens have already visited Earth)

aliens have already visited Earth Nasa scientist Earth - NASA scientist admits that aliens have already visited the Earth

Colombano added that scientists should revisit the assumptions, from the life of an extraterrestrial to its height since the size of an intergalactic explorer could be that of an extremely small super intelligent entity .

“Our typical lives would no longer be a limitation (although even these could be dealt with multigenerational missions or suspended animation), and the size of the ‘explorer’ could be that of an extremely intelligent super-intelligent entity ,” Colombano added.(aliens have already visited Earth)

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But Colombano goes further, assuring that the aliens may have discovered a technology that humans can not yet understand , which makes missions such as interstellar travel possible.

“If we adopt a new set of assumptions about what higher forms of intelligence and technology we could find, some of those phenomena could fit with specific hypotheses and we could start a serious investigation ,  suggested the NASA scientist.

Even so, the scientist admits that interstellar travel could be an unbreakable barrier, in a lapse of thousands of years, although he added that it could be possible depending on what we assume about various life forms.

“Taking into account also that the technological development in our civilization began about 10 thousand years ago and has seen the emergence of scientific methodologies only in the last 500 years, we can suppose that we could have a real problem to predict the technological evolution even during the next a thousand years, “he concluded.(aliens have already visited Earth)

aliens have already visited Earth Nasa Earth Extraterrestrial - NASA scientist admits that aliens have already visited Earth

And if someone thinks that Colombano, who has a doctorate in biophysical sciences, has ended his surprising study, he is very wrong. In addition, he has called on other scientists to seriously investigate UFO sightings . And this is precisely what the experts in the field of ufology have been requesting. But what is most striking is that it is a NASA scientist who makes this revelation and call to his colleagues.

Are they preparing us for extraterrestrial contact?


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