Yes, there is life on Mars, and NASA has known this for four decades. Their own Viking experiment confirmed the presence of life on Mars, but instead of sharing this groundbreaking discovery with the world, NASA chose to bury the truth and hide its science for decades.
Now, the former NASA engineer who designed the experiment that confirmed the presence of life on Mars is speaking out. His name is Gilbert V. Levin, and in a new op-ed published in Scientific American, he lays out his belief that life was already confirmed on Mars in the 1970s.
“I was fortunate to have participated in that historic adventure as experimenter of the Labeled Release (LR) life detection experiment on NASA’s spectacular Viking mission to Mars in 1976,” writes Levin. “On July 30, 1976, the LR returned its initial results from Mars. Amazingly, they were positive. As the experiment progressed, a total of four positive results, supported by five varied controls, streamed down from the twin Viking spacecraft landed some 4,000 miles apart. The data curves signaled the detection of microbial respiration on the Red Planet. The curves from Mars were similar to those produced by LR tests of soils on Earth.”
As word of the discovery spread, many other scientists around the world began to rejoice. Levin even received a personal phone call from Carl Sagan, congratulating him on the discovery.
But within hours, NASA buried the results and swept it all under the rug, claiming the mass spec instrument hadn’t detected life at all.
NASA banned any experiment that could confirm life on Mars
From that day, NASA has banned life detection experiments on missions to Mars in order to continue scientific fraud.
Levin writes:
Inexplicably, over the 43 years since Viking, none of NASA’s subsequent Mars landers has carried a life detection instrument to follow up on these exciting results
In truth, NASA is a fraudulent “science” organization that has, for four decades, pushed the false narrative that there is no life on Mars. The cover-up has been well coordinated and aggressively enforced. And since it’s impossible for private citizens to visit Mars and see for themselves, it’s difficult for anyone to prove that NASA has been lying all these years.
But now new evidence is surfacing that NASA has been blatantly lying all along… not just about microbial life on Mars but even about the existence of a Martian atmosphere that could support life.
NASA to send scout helicopter to Mars, proving there’s an atmosphere
Earlier this year, the corporate media began reporting that NASA was sending a scout helicopter to Mars as part of the 2020 lander mission. This helicopter, touted by NASA administrator Bridenstine, is a dual rotor, solar-powered helicopter designed to map terrain for the lander rover. See this UPI story as an example of what’s being reported by the scientifically illiterate media:
NASA engineers have installed the miniature helicopter on the space agency’s Mars 2020 rover. The Mars Helicopter, nicknamed Scout, will be the first aircraft to fly on another planet. “For the first time, we are going to fly a helicopter on another world with the Mars Helicopter,” Bridenstine said in March.
The problem with this story? According to NASA and the entire news media, Mars has virtually no atmosphere. Obviously, rotor-powered aircraft don’t function without an atmosphere, since they can’t produce lift in a vacuum.
According to NASA, the atmosphere on Mars is only 600 Pascals at ground level. Earth’s atmosphere at sea level is 101,000 Pascals, and even with that “thickness” of air, it’s still difficult to get a mechanical craft of the ground using spinning rotors.
Yet according to NASA, we’re supposed to believe that a dual-rotor helicopter will fly in virtually no atmosphere, powered by on-board solar panels and batteries, somehow defying gravity that’s 38% of Earth’s gravity with an atmosphere that’s only 0.6% as thick.
Any aeronautical engineer will tell you that’s impossible. If rotors worked in a vacuum, then the space shuttle would have a giant propeller mounted on its nose, doing away with all the rocket thrusters.
The only way a helicopter will fly on Mars is if there’s an atmosphere to create lift when the rotors spin. This isn’t rocket science. In fact, it doesn’t involve rockets at all. Propellers don’t work in a vacuum.
NASA is faking helicopter “research” with ridiculous videos
To try to convince us all that they have developed a helicopter that can fly in (nearly) a vacuum, NASA has released some of the most hilarious, laughable video footage we’ve ever seen.
As you can see from the following video snippet, NASA has developed a self-crashing helicopter that can only bounce and crash. The fact that NASA wants us to believe this is going to be loaded up with imaging and telemetry equipment — plus solar panels and batteries — is absurd. It’s like a bad Saturday Night Live skit. Notice, too that this “helicopter” isn’t even carrying batteries and appears to be receiving its power through a tether that’s attached to the center of the floor.
Now, NASA seems to be in the business of faking its announcements, too. If we are to believe NASA, there’s no life on Mars and helicopters fly in vacuums.