A mysterious humming sound that was said to have reverberated through the air for an astounding 45 minutes was recorded in Northern Sweden back in December.
According to the witness, the humming noise was constant and seemed to almost vibrate the air.
The witness goes on to say “it is usually a very quiet place here. But I’m sure the sound came from the sky or the atmosphere. The sound came from the whole sky. I could not locate if it came from north south east or west. it filled it all. Strange it was….”
Could the sound heard by the witness in Sweden may be connected to the larger mystery hum phenomenon heard in different parts of the world in recent years.
Some theories for what may be causing these sounds range from the conspiratorial, such as clandestine military weaponry, air displacement caused by slow-moving huge UFOs to prosaic possibilities involving natural events surrounding the magnetic field of the Earth.