Wondering what pure madness looks like? Arizona’s ABC 15 reports:
Warren Jeffs is a self-proclaimed “prophet of God,” and he’s now sharing his prophecies with one of Arizona’s top leaders — Attorney General Tom Horne.
From behind bars in Palestine, Texas, Jeffs telephones his followers who transcribe his words and often send copies of them to public officials. The ABC15 Investigators have obtained copies of correspondence sent to Horne’s office last month. The “revelations” are a mixture of orders, visions and demands. See the revelations sent on July 5, July 12, and July 23.
Horne said he’s concerned because the revelations show that Jeffs still has control over the FLDS community in Colorado City, Ariz. Jeffs is the leader of the polygamist FLDS church, but he’s currently serving more than 100 years in prison for child molestation.