A bright fireball exploded over Andalusia on February 22, 2020 at about 00:22 local time. According to the first data, it was formed by rock from an asteroid, which crashed into the atmosphere at a speed of about 43,000 km / h.
The decay began at an altitude of 70 km above Almeria (Andalusia) and ended at an altitude of 29 km above the Mediterranean Sea.
Cameras in Calar Alto (Almeria), Sierra Nevada (Granada), La Hita (Toledo) and Seville recorded bright meteorite decay.
A huge meteorite fireball replaced night to day on February 21, 2020 at 4:35 local time in the Segezha district of the Russian Republic of Karelia. After a bright flash of light, a loud booming sound was heard.
On February 21, a large cosmic rock exploded over the Caribbean Sea. The explosion was so vivid that cameras in Puerto Rico filmed it.