Bizzare & Odd

Medvedev: Drones in US Airspace Are Alien Spaceships – Most Senators Are Reptilians!

Vladimir Medvedev recently reviewed the success of his end-2024 forecasts and shared his predictions for 2025. “All my predictions for 2024 have been confirmed,” said the former Russian president and current deputy chairman of the Security Council.

Since the beginning of the war, Medvedev’s speeches have become increasingly extreme and questionable. However, as a former head of state and current vice-president of the Security Council, his words carry weight, even if they are cautious. He has made controversial statements, such as accusing much of the US Senate of being “reptilians” rather than humans.

Medvedev claimed that the drones flying in U.S. airspace were alien spacecraft and that many “alien mummies hiding in U.S. bases have come out of them and are involved in politics.”

“Last year, I made some strange but completely believable predictions. Now I thought I’d check out how these imaginary scenarios failed to materialize. And what do you know? Everything I had predicted came true. Always! Let’s compare:

Two new parties were created in Russia: Real G and Losers. Real G kept their word and supported their brothers, while losers hid in corners and caused trouble, like setting fire to ATMs or throwing bottles at buildings.

Ukraine borrowed a billion dollars, which was then embezzled by the Kyiv regime with the help of Hunter Biden. The money was granted and ended up in all the right pockets. Hunter Biden had already taken his share long ago. While waiting for another batch of cash, the drug-addicted kleptomaniac was arrested, only to be pardoned by his beloved father.

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A multitude of alien mummies hidden inside US military bases came to life and entered US politics, subsequently winning more than half of the seats in Congress. The dreadful objects that flashed and haunted the US sky in 2024 were, of course, alien spacecraft. Now they are all parked at Hangar 18 at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base. As for the senators and representatives… look at their creepy faces. Look closer. Beyond any doubt, these sinister creatures are reptiles.

Godzilla seized power in Japan and was proclaimed 天皇 (the emperor of Japan) ゴジラ I (Godzilla I). Judging by the devastating earthquakes and wildfires that ravaged the country in 2024, the blue lights over the islands, and the grotesque politicians, death is approaching in the Land of the Rising Sun. Prepare for a grim finale next year. You can watch Godzilla Minus One to get an idea. So, beware of bizarre conspiracy predictions and utterly impossible developments in 2025!”

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