Alien experiencer Steve Boucher shares two incredible stories of close encounters with beings from other worlds that he had as a child and as a teenager. One night, a UFO blocked Steve and his father on the road and one of the alien beings took his father aboard the ship while another alien sat with Steve in the car for about 20 minutes, keeping him company until his father returned to the car.
Steve Boucher
Steve was around 4 years old at the time. His father confirmed the story in the following years, when Steve asked him, saying he “thought it was a dream”. On September the 6th, Steve Boucher also told the story (with a live video call on Skype) and then later in a documentary video on You Tube, about his 1971 Catharines, a music band from Ontario (Canada) who was kidnapped by aliens. Steve and his band were abducted when they returned home from a concert.
Four of them were brought aboard the aircraft, told to take off all their clothes and undergo a series of medical tests. Before taking off, the aliens told Steve that he would forget about the entire accident, which he quickly did, but later recalled it in detail through hypnosis. Thanks to Steve Boucher for sharing these fantastic stories with us.