On June 13, 2020 over a number of countries in Eastern Europe (Hungary, Czech Republic, Slovakia), for the 33rd time this year a “Rare” atmospheric phenomenon was observed, which the officials call “sprites”:
For the first time, these “sprites” were seen only in 1989, after which they were seen again several years later and then began to appear more and more often. In particular, over the past couple of months, sprites have been seen in Brazil at the end of April, then in May, twice in the USA, now in Europe.
Lately, sprites in one form or another are seen every week, if not every day, and therefore the question arises: why?
The photon belt
The photon belt is a hypothetical region of space formed inside the Pleiades star cluster. The central star of the cluster is Alcyone around which several thousand stars revolve and one of these stars is supposed to be the sun.
The Sun makes a complete revolution in approximately 24,000 years, of which 10,000 fly in a pure vacuum, then 2,000 years in the photon belt, and then repeats a semicircle. The previous 10,000 years, we were just in that very vacuum, while somewhere from the middle of the 20th century we began to fly up to the photon belt. And in the very near future the sun will enter this area completely, a sign of which will be “three days of darkness”. However, this darkness will be unusual.
As the myths of different nations and the messages of mystics narrate, there will be not just darkness, but a change in the properties of matter and space / time, as a result of which the atoms will jump or vibrate, certain physical laws will be violated, and some incredible miracles will appear. The the effect can be either total darkness, or vice versa – the brightest ice light.
Naturally, the TV will not say this, but there will be certain signs that everyone will see. In particular, incomprehensible glows in the sky, under the description of which these sprites just fall. Previously, after all, there were no sprites, but they appeared suddenly.
Mystics call the second important signal the growth of cosmic gamma radiation. Sitting at home at the computer, of course, we can’t check this radiation, but we can go to the NASA profile page and look at the gamma-ray bursts with which the real madhouse has reigned over the past six months:
A year ago, each gamma-ray burst was a sensation, forcing volcanologists to bounce on their sofas after each burst, a strong earthquake occurred with a 75% probability.
Somewhere from December last year, these surges occur 2-3 times a week, sometimes several a day. Where are they coming from? The officials do not explain, because they can not. But the theory of the photon belt offers a good and logical explanation.
Finally, there is another topic called the Mayan calendar. About the fact that it ends not on December 21, 2012, but in June 21, 2020 many people already know as we also previously posted. Consider that a whole generation of specially trained Mayan priests-astronomers watched the Pleiades.
Once every 52 years, these priests climbed the pyramid and established the exact position of Alcyone relative to other stars, after which, making sure that with the Pleiades all normally enlightened adherents descended to the herd, lit a sacred fire and told the rams to drink wine, beat on drums and dance on occasion extending the life of the world for another 52 years.
Another sign of the approach to the photon belt is a mixture of seasons, that is, the absence of spring and autumn, a fuzzy winter, among which grass grows and an incomprehensibly cold summer. Since we are already observing this, then the countdown to the “three days of darkness” either has already started (December 21, 2012) or is about to start (June 21, 2020).
NASA assures that the End of the World will not come on June 21
The panic in social networks is growing and crowds of pilgrims and cultists have set off to Mexico, who intend to meet the End of the World exactly where it all began:
To somehow end this mind-boggling conspiracy theory, NASA made official clarifications. NASA says:
“This whole story began with Nibiru, the hypothetical planet mentioned by the Sumerians, heading toward Earth. Nibiru’s initial passage and catastrophe were predicted for May 2003, but when nothing happened, the End of the World date was deferred to December 2012. Fortunately, on December 21, 2012, nothing happened again, and therefore the conspiracy theorists again had the need for an urgent transfer. ”
However, if 50 years ago NASA’s authority was undeniable, now it is not and conspiracy theorists ask: where did the priceless original telemetry from the moon go? And what is this luminous hanging constantly above the cities that flies around? In addition, several disasters and terrifying events have already occurred this year: the global pandemic, the global economic downturn, and riots that began in the United States.
Nevertheless, NASA stands its ground and continues to believe that there is no evidence or any scientific evidence that the world will end on June 21, 2020.
“For such fundamental forecasts as the End of the World, there must be a justification. But where is it ?! Where is the science? What is your evidence? ”The NASA expert invited to television exclaims in hysteria.
Renowned experts on Mesoamerican culture also say that the predictions of the “end of the world” based on the Mayan calendar were misinterpreted. Instead, the calendar will be reset at the end of the 13th Baktun, and will not end with the annihilation of the Earth.
William Saturno, a Mayan archeology expert at Boston University, told National Geographic that the calendar is akin to a car’s mileage.
“When your mileage counter shows 99,999.99 miles, you don’t jump out onto the track and start to pray there?” No, you just wait for the mileage counter to reset to zero and drive on. The calendar works the same way,” Saturno says.
Nevertheless, the public continues to disbelieve the glorious experts invited to the TV and the panic is growing.
What do you think? Is the photon belt and the Mayan beliefs interconnected?