Jesus has one thing that he has in common with the Buddhists, and that is his attitude toward matter, toward the material world. For Jesus, this world is not as important as the soul of a person, and it seems that our world is just a computer game – and real life is there, in the Kingdom of Heaven.
Therefore, his words about the accumulation of wealth sound quite logical. After all, the money of our matrix in the Kingdom of Heaven is only candy wrappers, and only our spiritual experience matters:
“Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal, but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.“ Jesus Christ
Perhaps by saying that the body is larger than the clothes, Jesus is trying to tell us that the human body is only a model in this world – the person himself is much larger than his computer character.
You’ve probably heard of the “Alive” movement, which believes that not all people on earth are alive, most are dead, and are constantly trying to claim that they are alive. Perhaps this really makes sense. Now, according to the official version, the world’s population is 8 billion people, but are there so many souls on earth, given that there used to be fewer people – where do new souls come from? It may well be that most people on earth are really bots, NPCs, non-living, or simply dead, which are controlled by matrix algorithms.
Then the words of Jesus become clear, where he says that there is no point in helping algorithms do their job.
“Let the dead bury their dead.“ Jesus Christ
It is curious that material merits in this world, in our matrix, are considered rather not a plus, but a minus in the real world, the Kingdom of Heaven. For example, Jesus says:
“For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?“ Jesus Christ
This is also hinted at by the quote of Christ that the latter will be the first. The merits of the powerful people in this matrix speak rather about the shortcomings of the soul in the real world. Consider that this earthly matrix is a kind of test: we are given certain tests on how much a person will turn out to be deceitful, causing violence to others, how strong his moral qualities are.
In New Testament, the character and image of Jesus emerges very accurately. You already understand its spirit, not the letter. And if you devote a little time to this for reflection, then Christian morality is imprinted on the subcortex, installs firmware, updates.
“So don’t worry about tomorrow, tomorrow will take care of itself. Every day has enough anxiety of its own.” Jesus Christ
The words of Jesus are simple and ingenious at the same time, many still cannot understand, for example, the saying “turn the other cheek”, or rather they cannot accept and try to bring it to life – probably only our descendants will come to this.
My kingdom is not of this world, says Jesus. This means that our matrix material world is only a small part of the immaterial spiritual realm. That we’re just in a petri dish, under the hood. That there is no cosmos – these are only the backdrops of our matrix – and the real world of the Kingdom of Heaven is hidden from us by the Great Veil.
Perhaps even, our consciousness is not here, not in the brain, but in the Subtle World. And the brain is just a transmitter, a receiver. It receives signals from consciousness from the Subtle World. Libet’s experiment indirectly confirms this version.
A great difficulty in understanding the Real structure of the universe at present lies in the predominance of a simplified object-corpuscular model of the Universe.
There are multiple attempts to present the world as the Matrix and up to now, physicists only accumulated the facts that reality is a simulation, but carefully avoided the question of who created it: God? Aliens? The great ancestors of mankind who lived (and still live) on the planet before us?
There is no doubt that sooner or later a new physics will appear that will explain these mysteries and put a full stop, but after the dot comes an ellipsis. In the end, we have been raking in the oddities of the theories of Einstein and Planck for a hundred years, although at one time they brought the desired clarity to science and answered a million damned questions.
One day, a simulation will not be needed as well as a supercomputer. Nature is the computer, God’s ‘software’.