This eerie footage claims to have captured three ghostly apparitions on camera in one of the most notorious ‘haunted’ buildings in north-west England.
Paranormal investigators caught the figures on camera during a guided tour of Stanley Palace in Chester.
The team from Sefton Paranormal Investigators noticed the activity – which they say is three children – as they watched back the footage after the investigation.
The video, taken by paranormal investigators during a night-time project at Stanley Palace, Chester, shows spooky figures standing on the staircase
The team from Sefton Paranormal Investigators noticed the activity as they watched back the footage after the investigation, which took place on June 28
The ghost hunters chose an area within the 16th century Grade II-listed building to carry out their investigation because a man reportedly died there.
Aaron Robinette and Joanne May are seen on the video sitting in front of the staircase, unaware of the shadows moving behind them.
Co-founder Pamela Robinette, 44, said: ‘After every investigation we look back at the footage to see if we captured anything.
‘We couldn’t believe what we could see. There are clearly three figures, which I think are most likely children, on the staircase behind Jo and Aaron.
‘And if you look closely you can see her facial features as she turns her head, and her hair looks liked its rolled.
‘There were about 12 people with us that evening, and a lot happened during the course of the night.
Ghost hunters Aaron Robinette and Joanne May are seen on the video sat in front of the staircase, unaware of the shadows behind them
‘When we told everyone from the group they were all made up – it made them all want to go back again. They all thought it was absolutely fantastic.
‘On the footage you can see Joanne switch on a torch, as she was aware of something across the room but they didn’t see anything at the time.
‘We have caught quite a few spiritual happenings on camera. There is no trickery involved, we only use a VCR and infra-red cameras.’
Co-founder of the team, Pamela Robinette, 44, who said there is no trickery involved in the video, believes the shadows are three children. She said one of the shadows had facial features as well as hair which looked as though it is rolled
The team chose the particular spot in Stanley Palace, pictured above, because a man reportedly died there
The paranormal company was started by Ms Robinette, her son and Alan Mee five years ago. They have since been joined by volunteers Joanne May and Brian Harrison.
Mr Harrison 24, said: ‘The curator told us that there was a staircase with a door underneath it, where a man died.
‘In the video, Jo and I are sat on the staircase calling out to spirits.
‘Nothing happened, but it was only when watching the video back that I saw it. It appears and disappears in shot, all in front of the camera.
‘We try to disprove it and if we can’t find a natural explanation, like shadows or reflections, it’s the main reason I believe I can categorise it as paranormal.’