Elva Thompson, Contributor
Waking Times
We live in a world where everything is crooked – lies masquerade as truth and it’s hard to find a straight path…. There seems to be no limit to the madness going on around us – ethics, morals, common sense and compassion have been thrown under the bus of profit. In this 21st century, hate and division are rampant in every level of society.
Millions of people have flipped their humanity switch to off, and unplugged from the heart – we are a divided and manic species.
Keeping Us Off Balance
Many people no longer watch tv or mainstream news – they are aware of the fabricated narrative put out by the media…the forty percent fear porn and programming, thirty percent sports and entertainment, twenty percent intrigue, nine percent half-truths and one percent a cuddly bunny feel good story.
The mass media is all about controlling our thinking, and has become the propaganda marketing project for the psychopaths that run the world. The kaleidoscope of fake news and disinformation projected into our minds is designed to affect us emotionally: to make us afraid of a made up bogeymen, a pandemic that’s just around the corner – or an invasion by the Russians or Chinese. This fear based propaganda keeps us in a state of insecurity and we eventually turn on each other – race, religion, class, any person or group/nation that runs a different programme presents a threat to an unbalanced mind.
Our minds are being manipulated by a whole host of ‘occult fixers’ that hide behind the puppet politicians. Their end-game is world domination and absolute control over the hive mind of the worker bees called humanity….and they have moved slowly and deliberately through the shadowed centuries towards their global goal.
Is it any wonder, that in today’s ‘whirled’ we become confused and unable to keep up with- or understand, the rapidly changing and contrary nature of the political climate we live in.
Fact or Fiction
It maybe, that we as a species have been caught up in a gigantic deception, and lied to on a monumental scale about everything in our reality – past and present.
All we know about our collective past is what we have been taught by our parents, peers and teachers. We don’t know if it is true or false…and we have no means of knowing because we have no meaningful cultural information to fall back on.
Our tribes no longer exist and our oral understandings, shamanic knowledge, traditions and sonic languages, have been choked into oblivion by genocide, satanic religions, slavery and fabricated history.
We as a species have become disconnected from ourselves and our planet. Nature is no longer our home and we are slowly being programmed and led into Borg status…we are sleepwalking into a nightmare.
Fact or fiction?
Programmed With Someone Else’s Truth
“There is nothing good or bad, but thinking makes it so.” ~William Shakespeare
Truths are two a penny – we all have our ‘truths’, our inherited prejudices, racial and class stereo typing, all the other polarised crap, and paranoia that is handed down to us by our parents and peers. Our perception of reality is based on the information we receive from our elders, and therefore, we tend to believe that what we’ve been told as a ‘truth’ is a truth…. most of us don’t even question it… even if our conscience tells us it’s wrong.
Think of all the different traditions there are in the world, each with their own truths and unique forms of programming, religions and inherited dogma, a world where each party is conditioned to believe they are right and everyone else is wrong. Once we have been indoctrinated with other people’s belief systems and have accepted them as are own, we cease to think for ourselves, and become cloned zealots, mindless followers of a person, a ‘truth’ or ideal. And, when this ‘inherited belief system’ is challenged by other cloned followers of a different persuasion, arguments and fights ensue… and this polarisation eventually leads to genocide and war.
The Game Play
“Tis all a Chequer-board of nights and days-Where Destiny with men for Pieces plays: Hither and thither moves, and mates, and slays – And one by one back in the closet lays.” ~
Shakespeare wrote that all the worlds a stage and all the people merely players. Pawns on a chess board – puppets played by puppeteers and conditioned to fight each other….just like the good guys and bad guys in the movies. The aim of the ‘human’ game is to keep us at each other’s throats, and get us to expend our time, and our life’s energy into a game of opposites we think we can win– But the irony is, both sides are controlled by the same force, the game is wagging the two tails of the same dog… of whatever cause or conflict we are involved in. The ills of this world cannot be solved by any means – because the Cosmic Laws that govern this construct will not allow only one side of the coin of life. There will always be truth and lies, tyrants and victims, cruelty and caring, starvation and abundance, love/hate, war/peace, happy/ sad – good and bad.
Once we realise the game is a set up designed to keep us under control, it’s time to stop – and take back our mental sovereignty and freedom. Strive to be authentic human beings and not a carbon copy clone of the system. To become liberated in the mind, we have to turn inwards – investigate our thoughts, beliefs and view of the world….and then ask ourselves the question… Are they our thoughts and views born of personal experience or some else’s?
We live in apocalyptic times and as crazy as life is – everything is Cosmically in order.
We are called upon to question our beliefs and drop the attachments and attitudes that no longer serve us…we don’t have time for baggage and the outworn thought forms of others… Something wonderful is happening if we can drop the polarity ball and resonate with the heart.
The Good News
“And now here is my secret, a very simple secret: It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye.” ―
The Cosmic Clock that drives our reality is about to be reset. The culmination of twenty-six thousand years of lives in the third dimension has brought us to NOW….The ‘Quickening’ is here and some of us sleep walkers are waking up, and seeing with the eyes of the heart.
The Quickening
Our sentient sun is taking a nap, the magnetosphere is waning-the poles are moving, an electro-magnetic shift is in progress, cosmic rays are increasing….. triggering our multi dimensional memories, stimulating our pineal glands and expanding our awareness.
Information is flooding into our consciousness from the Cosmic Library. Nothing will be left untouched by the in-pouring of cosmic energies. It’s time to remember who we are…. powerful electro-magnetic beings. We are no longer in the sleep of prisoners.
“Awake, awake, the world is young – For all its weary years of thought. The starkest fights must still be fought – the most surprising songs be sung.” ~James Elroy Flecker
Awakening takes place in its own time, and new understandings affect our lives on every level. It can be disorientating as the veil of our conditioning falls away but synchronicity steps in and all kinds of information is presented to us – knowledge that gives us a different perspective and activates our intuitive awareness.
Times are rapidly changing and the finish line of infinity is within our reach. So, lets drop the ball of conflict in the outer world and take our energy and our intent inwards to the serenity of Source Creation.
“The most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or touched, they are felt with the heart.” ~A
Thanks to Zen Gardner and Patrick Willis for the video – You Are the Battlefield.
Elva Thompson was born in England in 1947 and moved to Rosebud Lakota reservation in 1987. She is the author of the Heartstar Series; Book One: The Key made of Air, and Book Two: The Gates to Pandemonia. Her other interests include organic gardening, ancient phonetic languages, sonic sound and their application in the healing arts. She is also a medical intuitive and teaches sonic re-patterning using sound, colour, and essential oils.