Earth is a planet of contrasts, from the lowest depths to the highest peaks. It’s a place where each individual has the power to create their own heaven or hell. Nowadays, people exist as if they are on various levels of a video game, each in starkly different realities.
Each soul follows its unique path: some may stagnate or deteriorate, while others rapidly evolve, nearing the awareness of higher realms. Transition occurs only for those who have realized their true essence. Self-realization is key. But how does one achieve this understanding?
Waking up
It is not the first time that the souls of many have journeyed on Earth. We have traversed numerous lives and diverse paths. Each person has been a woman, a man, a victim, and a tyrant, reincarnated across different continents and social statuses, wealthy and impoverished. Our many lives, routes, and roles contribute to the grand spectacle of the universe.
And now, we find ourselves here again. In this unique era, only those deeply slumbering fail to notice that the world teeters on the brink of a significant sifting of souls. This period is known as the time of separating the “wheat from the chaff.” While outwardly people may appear similar—arms, legs, head, and body—their inner selves are now vastly different. Never before have individuals with such distinct self-awareness and worldviews coexisted on our planet.
In the consumerist world, the aspiration to outdo one’s neighbor—to be superior, wealthier, or more impressive—formed the life purpose for many. Following a global reset and the activation of what some call the COVID gland, humanity bifurcated: some clung to old values, while others made a quantum leap in their evolution, shifting their value systems from consumption to contributing to the world. The adage “You will know them by their deeds” aptly describes this phenomenon.
The first step toward transformation is the step of AWAKENING. What does this entail? It occurs when your perception of yourself, others, and the world, which was one way yesterday, suddenly shifts, and you realize the world is vastly different from your previous illusions. In these moments, you discover that history has been rewritten multiple times and is not as textbooks portray it. You come to understand that the pursuit of endless consumption is foolish, driven solely by ego and pride.
Thus, people experience awakening in one of two ways: either through shock or through insights. Very few manage to embark on this journey through insights. More often, individuals undergo awakening through shock, mental anguish, or an event that inflicts suffering. These are the times when you face betrayal, divorce, financial ruin, illness, a dire diagnosis, or the loss of a loved one. Such events profoundly shake a person and alter their fundamental essence. This forces us to see our world and our place in it from a new perspective. However, awakening is just a segment of the journey, merely the beginning.
Self-Development and the Inevitable Painful Rollback
When a person awakens to self-development, they delve into various directions: trainings, books, broadcasts, alternative history, and “conspiracy theories.” Such exploration often leads to new and fascinating discoveries. It’s an impressive and inspiring journey that ignites a spark within the soul. Each day becomes a wake-up call to the previous one, with insights forming the foundation of one’s existence. The more one learns, the more they crave knowledge, leading to an unquenchable desire to absorb information about the world and its people.
However, confusion and a sense of loss may arise when one realizes that the interests and people that once captivated them no longer do. Friends and family may seem to no longer understand, believing that the individual has lost their way. This misunderstanding can lead to a painful experience of isolation. It is incredibly challenging when no one from one’s close circle can relate.
When a person faces significant choices and challenges, they may feel lost. What should one do? Advancing further could mean diverging paths with friends and relatives even more. It may require a tough decision about whether to continue life with a partner whose soul is not just dormant, but shows no sign of awakening.
The summit of a mountain is known for its beauty, yet few reach it. The sense of solitude at this height can be overwhelming for many. It’s a time when friends may drift away, and one can feel utterly alone even in a crowd. Should one move forward or return to those once considered close? Trying to elevate them or bring them along often ends in failure. It’s impossible to awaken someone who isn’t ready. And the one who awakens will never be the same. This presents a difficult crossroads for choosing one’s path.
Enlightenment and the Dark Night of the Soul
One who fears the dark shall not find the light. Without embracing both, a true choice of the soul remains elusive. To tread solely on the path of light, seeking high vibrations without acknowledging the shadow within, is to wander a tunnel of repeating scenarios. Such a journey leaves one trapped in an eternal dichotomy: all or nothing, black or white, darkness or light.
How can one be certain they’ve chosen light if they refuse to acknowledge their darkness, locking it away, out of sight, out of mind? What is locked away tends to grow in strength. Thus, one may ponder: Why do my deeds go unnoticed? Why, despite my goodness and awareness, do I lack what the less evolved seem to possess? Why do I meet evil with kindness, only to be repaid with ingratitude?
Questions of life’s fairness will swirl in their mind, accompanied by strong, recurring emotions: bitterness, guilt, shame, anger, pride, or the sorrow of despair. If one advances in their evolution, they may emerge from this tunnel of duality. Yet many halt, choosing the hermit’s path, distancing themselves from others. But such isolation is a dead end, for it is through our interactions with others that we grow.
And so arrives the dark night of the soul. When cats claw, when there’s a profound dreariness within. When misunderstanding prevails, one might question the meaning of life. What is our purpose on Earth? Why am I here, and ultimately, who am I?
Self-identification and the birth of a new self
Physical childbirth is a painful process, while the rebirth of oneself, in terms of embarking on the journey of the soul, involves even greater agony. This is because it’s a complex, layered process that unfolds slowly. For some, it spans years; for others, decades. On this journey, progress isn’t linear; it’s a path of one step forward, two steps back. It requires immense courage to persist through the doubts and heartaches.
The light at the end of this tunnel is inner peace, a zen-like tranquility in the face of life’s challenges. This isn’t about suppressing emotions but fully embracing them. It’s about being present and conscious in every moment, reaching a state where you don’t blame others, judge anyone, or hesitate to say “no” when necessary, without worrying about negative perceptions. It’s about having the bravery to walk your chosen path, acknowledging both your light and darkness.
Once you deeply understand that you are not merely the physical vessel of your body but an eternal, complex soul—a fragment of the divine on Earth, forging your unique path and experiences—you proceed on your soul’s journey, undeterred by others’ opinions. You move forward with acceptance of the world, others, and yourself.
This doesn’t mean you connect with everyone you encounter. It means that once you’ve chosen your path, you’re constantly checking your compass, interpreting life’s signs. Those who are on the same journey will surely accompany you. Those who have chosen a different path, you release into their own journey.
In the vast canvas of the universe, the puzzle pieces of many lives weave together into a magnificent tapestry, and each individual crafts their own fractal of reality through personal experience.
“What do I contribute to this world in this life? What am I doing right now for this?” – these questions light the way on the journey of consciousness. Once you’ve navigated through all this, once you’ve grappled with and accepted your inner solitude, people begin to gravitate towards you. You become a beacon for their consciousness. It’s an illusion to think you’ve walked alone… There are many like you, both ahead and behind.
As you navigate through this world’s darkness, a time of vibrations of unconditional love will arrive. Just imagine, for a moment, your awe and spiritual upliftment, that boundless joy, when you meet those who, through their own pain and solitude, have traversed this challenging path of awareness, just as you did once before.