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I never knew that Russia has these SHOCKING ANCIENT MEGALITHS

I never knew that Russia has these SHOCKING ANCIENT MEGALITHS 101

Megaliths, huge structures of massive stone blocks, are also found in our country. In Russia, there are a lot of such structures, only they are not known in the same way as the famous Stonehenge in the UK or Ollantaytambo in Peru. With the ancient megalithic structures found on the territory of Russia, we will get acquainted further.

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The first thing to begin with is the Vottovaara Mountain – the highest point of the West Karelian Upland – 417.3 m above sea level. The area of ​​the mountain is 6 square meters. km.
The place is just full of strange artifacts after which you start to think about the ancient highly advanced technologies for stone processing, let’s look at the photo better.

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Mount Vottovaara.
Megalith blocks are scattered.

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The middle block is asleep at a 90-degree angle or a game of nature?

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As if by a laser 🙂 geologists believe that cracks and faults were formed as a result of a strong earthquake about 9 thousand years ago. Even planes of stones are the result of the properties of the local rock – quartzite, whose structure sets such flat planes in the course of the split.

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So all the same nature or man-made? Let’s look closer.

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More like a perfectly cut down blocks tightly adjusted to each other. It is difficult to imagine an ancient ancestor with a copper chisel which somewhere on the mountain picks up such level blocks.

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A good foreshortening, perfectly flat wall.

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Who lost the ball?

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There is clearly no high technology for stone processing was not done, or still a game of nature? 🙂

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Mount Pidan.
At first glance it looks like an unremarkable cluster of rocks of a cracked rock.

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But coming closer becomes more like a megalithic masonry.

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Looking between the blocks, where the stones were less subject to the influence of erosion from the wind and rain, man-made is seen and how smooth the faces are.

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In a place where the junction of the blocks has spread out, the smooth one has been sawed off and the technology of laying these blocks opens before us.

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Stone city in the Perm region.
According to scientists, Kamenny Gorod is the mouth of a river that flowed into the Permian Sea millions of years ago, this explains beautifully and smoothly, at right angles, the carved stones, their neat clutches and the perpendicular “mouths” of the “mouth”.

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Stone city.

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Look at the smooth sides of the megaliths, as if cut off.

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Again, the old method of glancing between blocks inside the masonry, look at the far block in the center, a smooth cut along the entire length of the block.

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They say somewhere on the Kola Peninsula is this pool carved right in the rock.

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In the south of Western Siberia in the mountain Shoria in Mezhdurechensky district there is a small geological settlement called Kameshki.
In this village there are several educated talented geologists. These are Alexander Bespalov, Vyacheslav Pochotkin and others. These people spent their whole lives studying the mountain systems of Western Siberia. Once they came across in the mountains to strange megalithic structures, which for themselves could not explain. These were walls, laid out of giant stone blocks and strange buildings with vertically installed stone obelisks. On the Internet, they contacted Georgy Sidorov, so the first expedition was collected.

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Mountain Shoria.
Some granite blocks at the bottom were made of red granite, crowned with blocks of gray granite, and above lay polygonal masonry from various blocks, both red granite and gray.

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Granite melted in some places from the effects of huge temperatures and flowed under the weight of the upper rows. Kungurov would have said that this is a trace of reflow from a thermonuclear explosion 🙂

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The wall is composed of polygonal masonry of multi-colored blocks.

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The dimensions of the blocks are impressive, according to one version, the find is a man-made structure of more than 100 thousand years old.

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In the photo, Georgy Sidorov, in his opinion, all this megalithic structure can be the ruins of an ancient power station or power center, which translated seismic energy into some other.

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Again looking inside the masonry where the blocks were less prone to erosion, you can see even straight lines, see how the two blocks lie tightly, here the man-made is better visible.

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Polygonal masonry.

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Mountain Shoria. Huge blocks.
at the Department of Radiophysics in Tomsk State University showed photos on the screen, told about various types of masonry, stone locks, which held giant granite blocks and no scientist physicist said that all this has a natural origin. Most of all they were surprised how the ancients could raise giant stone blocks to a height of more than 1000 meters and install them there on a special platform.

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Then in the Tomsk branch of the RGO, the photographs were studied by geologists and geographers. Both of them came to the conclusion that the presented artifacts are man-made.

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Sklyarov was asked to comment on the find. And what did he say? That all the found artifacts is nothing but cracked rocks at right angles. That there is nothing man-made here. Just a game of nature, nothing more.
After these words, I’m not surprised why LAI does not study Russian megaliths.

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Between blocks.

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For comparison, on the left megalith in Baalbek, on the right megalith in Shoria mountain, it seems like the author is one 🙂

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Mount Shaman near the village. Nizhnetambovskoe, Khabarovsk Territory.

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Ancient megalithic masonry.

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Again, between the blocks is better visible man-made and straight lines.

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A large block of megalith.

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A large block of megalith on small stones, so do for better seismic resistance.

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Megalithic masonry resembles Mountain Shoria.

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Kabardino-Balkaria, a cave in the Baksan Gorge.
First you need to squeeze into a hole size of 40 by 120 cm, then descend on a rope along a narrow vertical shaft. It is formed by two parallel stone slabs. After 9 meters – the first “knee”: the lazard goes to the side and then again breaks down. Already here you will be covered by absolute silence – outside does not penetrate any sound. Another 23 meters in depth – and a new “knee”. To reach the bottom of the cave, you need to overcome more than 80 meters, and it takes an hour. But, passing the “bottle neck”, you will find yourself in a huge room, which the researchers called a “flask”. Inside, we will see the treated walls of tufa and granite, made up of multiline, densely fitted megaliths sandwiched together.

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Descent into the cave.

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Clearly visible are the edges of the blocks and the seams between them.

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The smooth laying strikes and the seams are clearly adjusted to each other.

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The triangular blocks parted slightly.

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The barely noticeable seams of the blocks on the left half moon wall and on the wall behind it.

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“The jar.”

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Rotate the cave at an angle of 90 degrees. Two large megalithic blocks stand on top of each other.

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The technology of stone processing amazes, and even more striking is the comment of the head of the Kabardino-Balkaria geological exploration expedition of Vera Davidenko, but she realist and believes that nature could do everything by force: “Tuff is a cluster of products of the volcano – ash, scrap of lava , volcanic glass and, to a small extent, fragments of rocks that form the walls of the crater. The ejection material was hot when accumulated, and therefore, when curing, separate cracks were formed – that is, the whole tuff massif appeared to be broken up into blocks. The deepening discovered in the vicinity of the village of Zayukovo represents one of such cracks in the gravity separation, for which smooth contact surfaces are characteristic, “but this is the head of the geological exploration expedition, she probably knows better.

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The scheme of the structure.

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A strange structure in the middle of the forest.

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