Tesla’s Spirit Radio uses a simple crystal radio circuit connected to a computer sound-in jack to generate spooky sounds from all kinds of electromagnetic sources. As you will see, it creeped the hell out of Tesla himself, according to Higher Perspective Website.
“My first observations positively terrified me as there was present in them something mysterious, not to say supernatural, and I was alone in my laboratory at night.”
– Nikola Tesla 1901
“The sounds I am listening to every night at first appear to be human voices conversing back and forth in a language I cannot understand. I find it difficult to imagine that I am actually hearing real voices from people not of this planet. There must be a more simple explanation that has so far eluded me.”
– Nikola Tesla 1918
According to Tesla and Electronic Voice Phenomena: “The mysterious signals that Tesla received could be linked to what is now known as Electronic Voice Phenomena (EVP). Tesla was one of the first men to experiment with the necessary electronic receiving equipment. The very same equipment, albeit more sophisticated than Tesla had access to, is being used today to receive EVP.
Many people experimenting with Electronic Voice Phenomena (EVP) and Instrumental Transcommunication (ITC) say they have received messages from “the other side” through radios, tape recorders, VCRs, televisions, telephones, and even computers.
Credit Tesla and Electronic Voice Phenomena
These phenomena have manifest themselves since the appearance of the instruments themselves. EVP, for example, has been reported for well over 50 years or more: Strange voices being picked up with primitive radios during WWI and heard faintly on magnetic recording tape.
Tesla may have been the first to receive these electronic voices from another plane of reality. As with other modes of communications with alleged discarnate entities, care must be taken not to be swayed by the stories often told by beings from the other side. Tesla may have been duped, so-to-speak, by voices that only pretended to be creatures from other planets.”
Directions for building the radio in 17 steps according to Instructables
List of Materials
1- Small Jam Jar, (Mason Jar) with large mouth
1- 3 1/4 inch dia Plexiglas (or polycarbonate) cover lid, 1/8 inch thick
1- C1 – 60/160 pf Variable Capacitor (ComtrolAuto #VAR160-1)
1- Extension Shaft and Knob for above (ComtrolAuto #ExtKnob-1)
1- L1 – 680 uh Ferrite Loopstick Antenna (ComtrolAuto #LSA680-1)
1- D1 – Germanium 1N34A Diode (*Allied Stock#: 935-0301) $2.16 ea
1- C2 – .001uf Capacitor (marked 102) (*Allied Stock#: 507-0822) $.21 ea
1- R1 – 47k Resistor (*Allied Stock#: 296-6641) $.05 ea
1- Chassis Banana Jack Red – (*Allied Stock#: 528-0158) $.53 ea
1- Chassis Banana Jack Black – (*Allied Stock#: 528-0159) $.53 ea
2 – (or more for each antenna) Banana Plug (*Allied Stock#: 528-0302) $1.21
2 -3.5 mm Mono Chassis Jack (*Allied Stock#: 932-0260) $1.16
a few inches of 20 gauge hook-up wire
1- Audio Patch Cord, 1/8 inch plug ends
Total Cost less than $30. For additional information: http://www.instructables.com/id/Spooky-Tesla-Spirit-Radio/step1/Parts-List-And-Schematic-Diagram/
In the following video, the Spooky Tesla Spirit Radio is used to give voice to a Mac Hyperspace screensaver! The simple crystal circuit is apparently sensitive to the screen synchronization RF frequencies, and so it provides awesome background sounds…check it out:
Even though Nikola Tesla in his early years had little patience with those who believed in spirits and unknown psychic abilities, he may have had a change of heart later in his life and after leaving the physical plane. In 1998, a medium by the name of Alice Cromley alleged that she had made contact with the spirit of Tesla through electronic methods similar to what Tesla used, according to Tesla and Electronic Voice Phenomena.
In a series of communications, all conducted at a secure home in Montreal, Canada, Mrs. Cromley received information concerning Tesla’s continued existence after his death and the new discoveries that awaited him on the other side.
Tesla was apparently eager to tell those interested in his life and science, not to dismiss ideas that appear supernatural or not of science.
“Physics, extends beyond what is scientifically known today,” Tesla communicated. “The future will show that what we now call occult or the supernatural is based on a science not yet developed, but whose first infant steps are being taken as we speak!”