Federal authorities arrested several people accused of aiding and abetting a foreign terrorist organization by producing ISIS recruitment videos.
It had long been suspected, and a buzz all over Facebook that the ISIS videos were produced from an outside source due to their above average production quality, but no one had imagined that an American production company could be directly involved.
That changed this week when authorities moved in and raided Final Solution Productions, a production company off the famous intersection of Sunset and Vine. Authorities did not release the names of those arrested but did say six were arrested at the studio and two more at their homes in coordinated raids.
Final Solution Productions is listed as a finishing company on their Web site, and claim to have worked on projects in the live sports commercial world, including for clients such as Pepsi Cola, Anheuser-Busch, and Apple. It is not known at the time of publishing to what extent these companies were themselves involved with Final Solutions, if at all, or what specific role it played in finishing the ads.
What is known is that Final Solution Productions was operating under this front while editing and producing the terrorist videos from their Hollywood studio. “Around 2300 hours last night, in conjunction with Office of Homeland Security, the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Los Angeles Police Department, officers seized the assets at 42568 Vine St., arresting six individuals,” said FBI Special Agent Kendrick D. Williams from the LA division. “Two additional suspected were apprehended at their residence at that same time.
All eight are being held as suspects in distributing and creating terrorist propaganda and are awaiting formal charges.”
Agent Williams is in charge of the Los Angeles intelligence office, and said agents were tipped off when they intercepted what appeared to be raw video elements being downloaded on computers in the Los Angeles metropolitan area. When asked, Mr. Williams would not elaborate how the government intercepted this material, but sources say it was a result of interrogation that first began from captured prisoners in Iraq.
Agent Williams is in charge of the Los Angeles intelligence office, and said agents were tipped off when they intercepted what appeared to be raw video elements being downloaded on computers in the Los Angeles metropolitan area. When asked, Mr. Williams would not elaborate how the government intercepted this material, but sources say it was a result of interrogation that first began from captured prisoners in Iraq. One source told us that authorities learned of video elements being sent via encrypted FTP servers to a producer “somewhere in the United States.”
Tech experts tell us that once a server containing this media could be intercepted, it wouldn’t take long for someone with the right resources to be able to track the IP addresses of where it was ultimately being delivered, even if that IP addressed was masked by a torrent system. “Currently the FBI is investigating all other possible connections that Final Solution Productions may have had in the Hollywood production area,” said LAPD Chief Charlie Beck. “We do not believe Final Solution Productions acted alone, and are currently investigating its partners.”
For some time, authorities have been worried of so called “domestic terrorists” working for ISIS, and consider this a possible lead. Final Solution is believed to have worked with other studios and producers in Hollywood,
Final Solution is believed to have worked with other studios and producers in Hollywood, some who, while not terrorists specifically, saw a profitable business and sought to gain from it. “It wouldn’t be the first time Hollywood has sold itself out for a price,” said Hollywood insider Hanna Strong. Strong has started the #shameonhollywood tag in part to raise awareness against those in Hollywood willing to sell out America for their own profits. The tag is seen as a public reminder to executives that Americans won’t stand for this behavior, and is currently trending. “Americans need to react to this story so that we don’t let a few money hungry people taint Hollywood,” continued Strong. “It’s up to us as consumers to let the executives know where we stand on terrorism.” Those arrested include the president of Final Solution Productions, his executive producer, editor, and coordinator.