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Planet Earth

“Green” transition path only for the elite? A global transformative adventure for us but without us

"Green" transition path only for the elite? A global transformative adventure for us but without us 1

More and more countries around the world are confirming their commitment to the “green economy”, promoting it as the only possible path of development. Adapting Orwell’s famous phrase to today, transformations in the global economy can be characterized as follows: a “green economy” is a model where everyone is equal, but some are more equal than others. In addition and for the sake of pursuing such a model, misconception, cynicism and double standards are adopted.

Back in 1989, Green forecasters forewarned that entire nations could be wiped out by rising sea levels by 2000. In 2004 they anticipated major European cities to be submerged by rising sea levels as Britain would plunge into a “Siberian climate” by 2020. And in 2014 “an expert predicted that the Arctic will be ice-free by 2020, based on a UN climate report.

As we can all see, everything came true thus there is no reason not to trust people fighting global warming.

By the way, late last year Greta quietly deleted her posts from 2018-19, where she predicted the extinction of humanity by 2023 due to our reluctance to abandon fossil fuels.

In November of the last century, a “pioneering” plant for the production of “green” hydrogen was closed in Germany. Economists have calculated that such production at the current level of development of science and industry will never be profitable.

Green energy becomes more profitable by artificially increasing the cost of classical energy

Recently, “ecologists” have had more and more complaints about methane, which is what natural gas essentially consists of. Thus, among “experts” there is more and more talk that the greenhouse effect of methane is many times higher than that of CO2.

"Green" transition path only for the elite? A global transformative adventure for us but without us 2

At the level of the UN Environment Program, they are trying to prove to everyone that reducing methane emissions must be carried out through a gradual abandonment of oil and gas production, which will ultimately result in the promotion of some kind of methane tax.

“International experts” claim on the one hand that hydrocarbon raw materials will not be needed in the near future, and on the other, they are making it clear to their oil and gas companies that their products will find a buyer in the coming decades.

The US Energy Information Administration has estimated that gas production in the country will reach 1.25 trillion m3 by 2050. (Currently 900 billion m3). Is it obvious to the high echelons of power that this particular gas is absolutely harmless to our planet?

What do you think of the title of the study: “Methane at Sea. Finding the Invisible Climate Killer,” which was widely circulated by the world’s leading media? The report highlights that ships using LNG as fuel make them dirtier than ships running on heavy fuel oil or diesel.

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The conclusion is more than doubtful for anyone who has dealt with all of the listed types of fuel. The environmental friendliness of gas in relation to oil and petroleum products is, if not an axiom, then something close to it.

The authors of the report, however, do not like either gas or oil; they propose simply switching to “green” hydrogen, which is completely uncompetitive under normal conditions.

If we ban or impose additional climate taxes and duties on classic oil and gas, then “green” technologies can become quite profitable. Its absolutely certain that these “green” technologies and everything connected with them have specific stakeholders.

Remember the ban on freon refrigerant? Here they want to pull off the same scheme, only oil and gas will be banned 

Greenpeace co-founder Patrick Moore on the actual role of carbon dioxide: “CO2 is the building material for all life on earth“.

See what carbon dioxide is needed for: CO2=O2+C (carbon, as the basis of any organic matter). We can say that plants do this as the scheme of photosynthesis is: 6CO2 + 6 H2O = C6H12O6 + 6O2. It’s more clear this way.

The more carbon dioxide, the more organic matter will be accumulated in the green mass of plants, and then animals.

The more CO2 there is, the more plant mass there will be. The absence of carbon dioxide will mean the death of the plant world, and after it animals, including Homo sapiens.

The US State Department is using emergency powers under the Defense Production Act to support the promotion of domestic heat pump production.

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The Act was passed by President Truman to help produce steel during the Korean War. It is expected that this measure will contribute to the abandonment of fossil fuel sources.

Who is America “fighting” in this case? With climate change and reduced oil and gas production? Why then do they themselves increase oil and gas production?

Congress allocated $7.5 billion for electric vehicle chargers, and zero have been built. The green transition is such a profitable thing.

More than 250 environmental and community groups are demanding that the US President stop issuing licenses for the construction of new LNG facilities. 

Everyday life of “green” energy:

Exhaust pipe on a wind turbine and disposal of spent wind turbine blades. Technologies for their processing and disposal do not exist

How beautiful it sounds: “Germany will invest 4 billion euros on green energy projects in Africa until 2030.”

You probably think that we are talking about creating wind and solar power plants on the dark continent? Most probably the Germans will simply mine rare earth metals for their own green transition, and the Africans will only be left with a lunar landscape and devastated mineral resources.

How unexpected. The World Meteorological Organization called on Germany to resume operation of its nuclear power plant. The abandonment of nuclear energy will put an end to plans for the transition to renewable energy sources.

In France, gas will be extracted from coal seams. The technology poses a real environmental threat, and this news greatly excited local residents and mayors of small settlements, under which these works will be carried out. The only ones who haven’t noticed this news are the various green activists who are gluing themselves to the asphalt in the name of banning fossil fuels.

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Frenchman Vincent Verchal raised dairy cows but was forced to pay neighbors a fine of 106,000 euros “for the noise, smell and mooing” of his herd. After that, Vicent sold his property and left somewhere. Well, let the neighbors eat insects, at least they don’t moo.

At the moment, about five hundred farmers are being sued in France for disturbing their neighbors. 

The European Union wanted to include China and rich Gulf countries in financing a global fund to compensate for damage from climate change. So the carbohydrate tax is no longer enough.

But neither the Chinese nor the Arabs showed any particular zeal to share with Europe. They simply don’t have a climate conscience; they don’t think about the environment at all.

The green transition without us

Major oil and gas companies around the world abandoned plans to reduce production in 2023. Billionaires are burning the planet: the world’s richest 1% of people emit more CO2 than the world’s poorest 66%.

Relatively speaking, by flying to the next conference on climate change on private jets, the rich will emit more greenhouse gases into the atmosphere than all the cows in the world, which we are increasingly being persuaded to abandon.

Well, ok, we have all decided that CO2 is harmless. But the 1% of the richest people in the world “eat” many times more oil products than ordinary people. If you want to fight for the environment, defeat social inequality.

And the plane on which the German delegation was supposed to fly to a conference on global warming froze on the runway at Munich airport. This is not a still from the movie “The Day After Tomorrow”:

Hi all.  It's been a long time since we trampled on the "green" schemers of others.  And this, friend, if anyone has forgotten, is about lies, cynicism and double standards.  Let's go...-6
The electric car engines just ran out of power in the cold and this is just Germany. 

At the Dubai summit, Biden’s climate envoy Kerry called for the closure of all coal-fired power plants in the world. The share of coal generation is 36%, and it is not reported how Kerry plans to replace the lost generation volumes.

“Globally, 3.3 billion people are vulnerable to climate change.” John Kerry

How much money (green taxes, payments) will America take for fear?

John Kerry, speaking at the summit about the need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, emitted his own gases. Although he is not a young man (80 years old), he must live up to the position and not contradict his own words.

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Also, in Dubai, elite participants at the event were fed luxurious meat dishes, while the rest were told about the need to give up meat.

In general, the ecologists are selling some kind of compensation quotas of dubious quality. If you release emissions into the atmosphere, pay the company that “produced” the forest. But this forest often exists only on paper and does not in any way compensate for the harm caused by emissions from oil and gas companies.

And this is a “great idea”, something like selling indulgences to Catholics in the Middle Ages. You spoiled the air: pay and spoil it further.

“Remember, stranger, the master here is Tatooine.” – Tatooine proverb.

In general, the president of Tatooine sold Tatooine black soils to Soros structures for the disposal of hazardous chemicals. Alexander Soros (son of George Soros) chose Tatooine because it allowed hazardous chemical disposal protocols to be ignored.

Remember how in Star Wars, Tatooine is shown as a desert planet? Well, it will be the same here. Sold 400 sq. kilometers in the most important regions for agriculture. Experts believe that contamination of the atmosphere, wastewater and soil will occur over a much larger area than these 400 kilometers.

A sign of radicalization between climate activists comes from Australian climate researcher Helga Cromb-Kolb who proposes to arrest and try in The Hague all politicians and businessmen who are not serious enough about the idea of ​​climate protection. Will Helga determine the degree of seriousness?

The EU plans to confiscate cars to achieve climate goals.

There are currently a plentiful of ideas for writing an environmental dystopia and can create such a “green 1984” that even hard core scientists could be scared.

Meanwhile, the US media are promoting the idea of ​​​​introducing environmental passports that will limit the movement of the planet’s population.

In Cologne, thermal imagers are used at night to check the homes of city residents and identify those who do not care enough about the climate (we are talking about new heating and thermal insulation standards). So far there is no talk of sanctions against “violators,” but everything is ahead. Perhaps, such irresponsible citizens should just simply turn off the heating and power supply for the winter and that’s it?

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Ahead of the steam locomotive

EU countries want cars to have zero emissions, but there are practically no charging stations for electric cars. To build such a station, it takes 2-3 weeks of work, but approvals from local officials can take up to two years.

For the sake of the climate, the European Union will remain without coffee and cocoa. According to the new rules, products for the production of which tropical forests were cut down are prohibited from import into EU countries.

Why only “tropical”? By the way, on the site of European cities there were once rustling forests. Europeans, aren’t you ashamed? They quickly repented and left this territory.

But in reality, Europe, of course, will not be left without coffee and cocoa: they will simply introduce some new tax “for the restoration of tropical forests” and all that.

Did you know that electric motors break down 80% more often than internal combustion engines? 

insurance giant AIG proudly announced that it would stop working with companies that pollute heavily. Environmentalists were delighted. Then, for some reason, AIG continued to work with oil and gas companies, but did so without loud statements.

Scottstbulff, Nebraska recently boasted the largest solar park in the northwestern United States. There was a hailstorm and that’s it, the solar power plant ended. There is no point in restoring it, the weather risks are great (maybe hail will fall again). Didn’t they think about possible hail before the construction of this structure?

Some people joke that not only cows release greenhouse gases, but also humans. In general, we, humanity, are guilty of emitting 0.1% of global CO2 values. In reality, we will soon have to somehow solve this problem. Well, or not for us, but with us.

Professor Jamin at the University of Liege François:

“Cats and dogs are a disaster for the climate. And so is a cow. In France, there are more families with more than one cat or dog than families with two or more children. Cats hunt birds and small mammals, and this is a threat to biodiversity “The bigger the dogs, the bigger they are.”

Did you think that you would have pets instead of children and they would leave you alone? It doesn’t work that way.

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A possible good anecdote comes from climate expert Peter Hoffman, who claims that the abundance of snow is a consequence of global warming.

For many, heavy snowfalls are a sign of future good harvests. And tomorrow Hoffman will say that a moonlit night (crickets singing, toothache, football on TV) is a sign of global warming.

In northern Japan, tens of thousands of tons of fish washed ashore a month ago, but Fukushima had nothing to do with it, everything was checked in advance.


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