When an individual finds themselves in an unfamiliar location yet has an unnerving certainty that a newspaper stand lies just around the corner, this...
Petar Golubski, a primary school teacher from Plovdiv, Bulgaria, dedicated his entire life to his profession. He never married or had children, instead spending...
Javier – a Spaniard hiding under the nickname unicosobreviviente (“lone survivor”) claims that while traveling in time, he was stuck in 2027, where he...
The moon embodies human emotions and aspirations. This is not the culture of any ethnic group or region, but has been passed down from generation to...
On December 9, 2009, the so-called Norwegian Spiral Anomaly occurred in Norway. It was a luminous elongated blue spiral cloud with a white rotating spiral at the end. The...
“Virtual archaeologists” believe that there is a “massive temple” on Mars that looks like an ancient Japanese tomb. According to them, this is confirmed by...
Our world is full of incomprehensible and strange things. Today we will talk about a phenomenon that is shrouded in mystery, carries both riddle and...
When it comes to unexplained places, the Bermuda Triangle is usually the first thing that comes to mind. Located in the Caribbean Sea, it is known for...
There is a satellite named “the Black Knight” in the polar orbit of the earth. This satellite continuously sends out mysterious radio signals. Scientists...